Tom riddle x reader

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As you sat in your cell, the blinding darkness seemed to hold you still, black creatures roaming the prison, the hallways of Azkaban. As you sat there you you couldn't help but curse at the traitors who'd blames you for what they'd done. 3 years. 3 years spent in fear, fearing death, hiding in a cold cell just inches away from death. You missed the freedom the excitement of breaking rules,the freedom of knowing no bounds, having nothing to lose but your life. You soon woke up from your daydream as the sight of the sky drew your attention,a gaping crack in the building just barely missing you. You felt yourself flinch as the cold air of Azkaban was overridden by a warm breeze,you now walking a free man. Though as you continued to walk aimlessly you felt a hand on your shoulder,you turning to see Tom Riddle,your eyes widened as you attempted to speak though no sound was uttered. You just stared at him as he began to walk away,you following swiftly behind as you could no longer hear your own footsteps,the sound of feet clicking against tile flooring finally vanishing as you soon came across a large manner,the Malfoy manner if you'd ever payed attention. As you walked in,the pain of the hardwood floor seemed to nip at your feet as they were calloused and cut. As you walked further you could feel all eyes were on you though you were only following the man's footsteps,as your eyes had been blinded by the light. You just stood there as you attempted to look around,only to feel someone pull you into a room and hand you some rather familiar clothes. As the door closed you changed as a certain ringing, jingling, seemed to follow you. "You look amazing!" You heard a women's voice say as you attempted to clear your vision,now coming into a pink tinted view, Bellatrix lestrange,an unforgettable face. You smiled as you look around, everything seeming a soft color,the vivid thrill of everything seeming to have left with your once chaotic attitude. As you sat down at the table,you looked around to see hardly anything had changed,from the once outcasted lestrange,to the traitor barty crouch. As everyone began eating you soon froze in silent horror at what you'd seen, what these people did,you felt guilt bubble up inside of you as you didn't want to say anything about what'd happened as you had agreed to this,you knew what was going to happen,from a distance you watched like a coward,you watched them die,you watched him win. As you looked around for a third time,you felt your eyes narrow down to Tom,or what you could assume to be. The mysterious man you'd never been able to see, sitting at the end of the table from you. your eyes had never been suited to serve you, sometimes you couldn't even see. but now, you could see perfectly,you could see everyone,you could see nagini was gone, everyone was happier than ever,and the dark lord was.. Tom riddle. "Is something wrong,you seemed stunned" you lifted yourself from your daydream and looked up at the Lord, unable to comprehend why you'd stared so long. "Nothing,but what happened while I was away?" You said as everyone turned to you,your time in Azkaban being without anyone to speak to,to look at, nor a constant reminder of the time. "We won" you heard a lucuis speak, "against all odds" you heard Bellatrix continue slowly as they all looked shocked, stunned as if they'd expected someone to tell you. "We have plans of going after the boy soon" you looked at Tom as he spoke,"and we'll need your help for is" you heard greyback say in his usual tone. You nodded as everyone's conversations continued, Tom's voice hardly being heard behind a faint hissing you couldn't understand. "Riddle?" You heard everyone pause for a moment before continuing to talk as the boy looked at you. "Yes?" Everyone began to quiet down as he answered,"are you trying to say something?" Everyone looked at you in confusion as he smiled. "I've simply been trying to gather everyone's attention, but it seems they've no reason to care" how much does everyone quickly looked to him, clearly panicking. "We're very sorry my dark lord" you hear lucuis speak up as even the Lord seemed to acknowledge him. "Now,due to sudden changes I'd like to address a new plan.." you listened as the words soon blurred out of your head,the hissing only continuing as looked for a way out. You soon slipped yourself out of the room as you walked back to the room you'd dressed in and sat down. the hissing quieting down as your mind began to wander farther than you could track. Though before you could lift your head you felt a cold hand brush against your cheek and down your neck, "now.. I don't appreciate my followers walking out on me.." he said blankly as you froze. " I-im sorry my Lord..."you said as you stood up only to walk right into him, soon sitting back down,now flustered having just walked into his chest. "Rise.." he said as you stood back up now begining to go red as you felt his hands begin to caress your cheek,soon taking your left and slipping something into your sleeve,your vision having chosen to blur any hint of it out. You soon heard him leave as he let go of your arm. You quickly pulled out whatever he'd slipped under your sleeve out,soon realizing it to be your wand,the same wand you'd lost at the cliff when you'd gotten caught. You took a deep breath as you walked back out, taking note of redwood wand as you sat back down in silence.

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