~𝘌𝘳𝘪'𝘴 𝘋𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘌𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘺 20~

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Dear Diary,

Today, I am sick, I cannot get out of bed or go to school today. I have a really bad cold and I have a fever too, I even throwed up because I had a bad tummy ache. Shota said he believes that it is a 24 hour bug that I have to stay home.

I did not know that there was a bad bug called the 24 hour bug, I do not know what it looks like or how it got to me but I don't like it. It's not a very nice bug because it's making me not feel very well.

I can't hug, touch or be close to anybody because Shota said that it was contajeeus.

I can't spell the word so I tried the best as I can to.

I had some chicken noodle soup because I was told that it was going to help me feel more better by tomorrow. It was really yummy, I never had it before but now I am glad that I did because I love it.

I also missed my friends at school, I wonder if they miss me too. I wish I was there at school playing jump rope or tag with them at recess right now.

At least I have some of my stuffed animals to keep me company so I won't feel any more lonely or have no one to play with. I play cards with them, played board games with them, and I even had a tea party with some of them too, it was fun!

And I also got to watch some disney movies while I was in bed sick, I was watching Tangled, Princess and the frog, Frozen and Cinderella. Those are some of my favorite Disney movies that I have watched today and I love them.

Deku even face timed me to see how I was doing since he heard that I was sick. I told him that I couldn't go hug him or come near him because he could catch the sick bug too. I asked him how training was and he said it was good as always. I even told him how I was doing on my sick day and said that I played with my stuffed animals and watched some movies. I love talking with Deku a lot.

Shota said that my sick day will be over tomorrow. I am happy about that because I hate being sick and it is one of the worst things ever.

I am happy that I am going to see my friends again tomorrow, they probably have missed me today. I also cannot wait to hug everyone again since the bug will be gone and can't make other people sick either.

I am going to bed now, It is almost past my cerfew. Goodnight Diary.

Love, Eri

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