Chapter 9 - Flowers and Paint

Start from the beginning

                 “Don’t go then! Instead you can come and help me finish painting the tree house. We’re almost done anyways!” Tyler exclaimed.

                 “That would be rude, Tyler,” I retorted, while checking the road to make sure it was safe to cross.

                 “Fine, go, but please help me finish the tree house! All we have left is the painting. Zach even went and bought the paints yesterday,” Tyler said, pouting his lower lip.

                 I clenched my teeth as I felt a surge of anger rush through me. Zach. The sound of his name was just enough to agitate me. Every day that I would be over at the Bryans helping Tyler with the tree house, Zach would avoid me. It was pretty darn obvious too. He acted like he didn’t know me, or that I didn’t exist. Not even a ‘hello’ or ‘hey’. And on top of that what was he doing with Vanessa? The way she was touching him that day… it was like her and Zach were in a relationship, not her and Uncle Jesse. It was just disgusting... she was a two-timing, two-faced bitch. And Zach—he was so sweet to me before, and now he’s become a first class jerk. It seems like ever since Vanessa came to town, a bomb exploded in everyone’s face—mainly mine.

                 “Jess, PLEASE?” Tyler pleaded, jarring me from my thoughts.

                 His longing face was too cute too say no to. “Fine,” I laughed. “But I can’t stay for long, alright?”

                 He smiled with a nod as I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I hit speed dial four, and listened to the phone ring two times before a familiar voice answered.

                 “Hey Jess!”

                 “Ivy, I need a huge favor.”

                 “Oh, what’s up?”

                 “I need a dress for the Ball tomorrow, but I won’t be getting home till a little after six. Is there any way you can find me a dress? Please?”

                 “My sister, Jessica Hayes, is dressing up?” she squealed. “And she wants me to help her? How exciting. I’m going to get to it right away! Trust me, I’ll find something amazing.”

                 “Thanks so much,” I said, amused by her excitement—I thought she would have been annoyed.

                 I waited for a click on the other end of the line before placing my phone back into my pocket.

                 “Jess has a date, Jess has a date,” Tyler chanted mockingly like a five year old.

                 I playful rolled my eyes. “This is why no one likes freshman.”


                I brushed the last stroke of green paint onto the side of the tree house, letting out a sigh as I pushed strands of flying hair away from my face with the back of my hand.

                 “Looks great,” a deep, warm voice commented.

                 I didn’t need to look back and check; I already knew who that was.

                 “I know right, all my hard work,” Tyler claimed while slowly stepping down the ladder.

                 “Hey,” I huffed. “Don’t take all the credit.”

                 “Well… Jess helped a little,” Tyler whispered softly.

                 I shot him a dirty look, shaking my head until suddenly I felt a cold, sticky drop hit the top of my head. But before I could look up—or even bother to move— I was smothered in gooey green paint.

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