Chapter 8: Compleating a Bond

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It was the next week after the beach trip to La Push where Jacob told Bella about the legend of the tribe and the old treaty. When Buffy returned to Sam's after calming down with her mates, she give Jacob a piece of her mind. Sam gave the young mutant permission to put Jacob in his place seeing that Buffy found out that she was a distant relative of his. His Great Grandfather, the first chef was Buffy's uncle, making Alpha blood run through her veins.

After a good beating, Jacob was forbidden to see Bella for a while.  When Jacob tried to argue with Sam about the decision it was Buffy who used her Alpha tone to cause him to listen and because she was a closer descendent to the true Alpha, Jacob couldn't go against her orders.

It was now Monday and Buffy pulled up to the school on her motorcycle with Jasper sitting behind her. After taking off her helmet and shaking out her hair, Buffy saw that her mates were standing next to her. Smiling at them, Jasper helped her from her bike as Emmett got her bag from the carrier and Edward placed her helmet in its place.

"Good morning beautiful," Emmett said smiling.

"Good morning guys," Buffy said as she kissed both Edward and Emmett.

"Love, we want you to know that we will not be at school tomorrow because it's going to be sunny out," Edward said as he placed his arm around her shoulders.

"I know, I'll keep an eye on her," Buffy said as she looked over to where Bella stood by her trunk staring at the mates.

"Come on darling, let's go to class," Jasper said, taking her hand and leading her to class.

Throughout the morning, Buffy would catch Bella staring at her and her mates in between classes and Buffy's patience was running thin. If it wasn't for Jasper to help keep her calm, Buffy is sure she would have attacked Bella. It was now time for lunch and Buffy was standing in Edward's arms as he tried to calm her. While Buffy was in the washroom before lunch, Bella walked in and started harassing the young mutant, resulting in Buffy punching Bella in the face giving her a bloody nose and a black eye. Edward was the first to find his mate and when he noticed that she was shaking from anger he quickly pulled her as close to him as possible.

"Calm down love, she means nothing to us," Edward said in a calming voice as he held his mate close.

"Can we ditch the rest of the day? I just want to cuddle with you and the others," Buffy asked just as Emmett and Jasper joined the two.

"Of course darling, Carlisle is at home and I'm sure he would love to see you," Jasper said.

Emmett picked up his mate's bag before Edward began to lead his mate to the main office to sign out for the day. After exiting the office, still in Edward's arms, Buffy noticed that Bella was watching them still. Jasper got on Buffy's bike to take it back to their house, while Edward helped Buffy into his car, and Emmett got into his Jeep. The drive hardly took fifteen minutes with the way the boys drove and as soon as Edward pulled up in front of the house, Carlisle was standing on the front porch waiting for them. As soon as Edward put the car in park, Buffy teleported out of the car to reappear above Carlisle, to land in his outstretched arms.

"Buffy, what's wrong," Carlisle asked as he held his mate tightly to his chest.

"Isabella Swan was staring all morning at our mate and even confronted Buffy in the women's bathroom. Buffy gave Isabella a bloody nose and a black eye," Edward said as he got out of his car.

Buffy had her face buried in Carlisle's neck, breathing in her mate's scent to help calm her down. Carlisle turned back into the house and carried his mate up to the living room, where he sat on the couch to comfort Buffy more. Edward, Emmett, and Jasper were not far behind their older brother figure and their mate. They could see the stress Buffy was under from having Bella stare at her and the disgusting thoughts of what Bella wanted to do with her mates.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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