Chapter 7: La Push

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Buffy and Logan have become used to their new lives in Forks.  Logan would spend his days working with Harry at his shop and had become good friends with Billy Black and Charlie Swan, despite their daughters not liking one another.  Buffy on the other hand got into a routine of school, patrol every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday along with every other weekend, and when she wasn't on patrol or at school she was with her mates or in the basement working out.  Sometimes either Emmett or Jasper, sometimes both, would spar with her.

A month had now passed and everyday at school Bella would continue to glare at Buffy and her mates.  It took Jasper several times a week to calm his mate down and that was to usually have her sit in his lap during lunch while she would bury her face into the crook of his neck inhaling his scent.  At first Edward and Emmett were jealous of Buffy always sitting in the Major's lap but when she explained that Jasper's helping her stay in control so she doesn't shift they understood.

It was finally Friday after one exhausting week of school and Buffy had to do patrol this weekend with Paul.  That Friday during one of her classes, a girl by the name of Angela Webber and a somewhat friend of Buffy's, asked if she wanted to go to the beach, First Beach in La Push, with her and a few friends.  Buffy however declined because she was going to be in La Push but not for fun but for patrol.

When school ended on Friday, Edward, Emmett, and Jasper walked Buffy to her car like usual where they said their usual goodbyes that ended as usual with a kiss to each of them, making a show to Bella when Edward kissed her knowing very well that Bella was watching them.

When Buffy got to the pack house she was greeted by Paul and Seth.  Both wolves pulled her into a tight hug before Seth told Buffy that he switched with Jacob when she asked where he was.  Apparently Jacob wanted to go down to the beach and visit the annoying Bella Swan.  Buffy didn't understand why Jake was friends with her.  She was nosy and always wanted to know other people's business.

"I hope he keeps his mouth shut," Buffy said as she walked with her two brothers into the pack house.

"Hey Buffy," Emily said as she hugged the young mutant.

"Hey girl, what's up Sam?" Buffy said to her Alpha and his imprint.

"Hey Buffy, you're late."  Sam said.

"Yeah well I had to show a nosy human that she can't have my mate," Snow growled.

"Bella's still going after Edward?" Emily asked as she pulled the freshly baked muffins out of the oven.

"I'm surprised that you haven't killed her yet.  If someone was lusting after my imprint I don't know what I'd do." Paul said.

"We all know what you'd do Paul.  Anyway, I have Embry and Quill with him so they'll keep an eye on him, I'm still not sure about him still being friends with the Swan girl."

"I don't know why you allow him to stay friends with her.  She's a nosy human, and Jake knows that she's not his imprint yet he still has some type of feelings for her.  Plus she already hates me, one because I'm with Edward, two I'm friends with not just you guys but the entire Cullen family, and three she's one of those mutant haters." Buffy said as she sat next to Jeread taking a large blueberry muffin.

"What's wrong with mutants?  I think your kind is almost as cool as us," Jeread said with his mouth full of muffin.

"Don't make me change into your mother Jer," Buffy teased making Jeread pailed.

Emily, Leah, Paul, Sam and Seth all laughed at the look on Jeread's face.  Buffy had shown the pack some of her abilities, one of them being showing them the ability to change into anyone.  It surprised Buffy that while she was mimicking one of her pack brother's forms that she could also copy their wolf.

"Alright guys get on to patrol."  Sam ordered.

Buffy, Paul and Seth all nodded before heading out of the pack house and headed to the woods to shift.  After undressing and hiding her clothes behind a tree, Buffy shifted and went on patrol with Paul and Seth.  About two hours into patrol they came to the edge of the woods near First Beach.  There they saw Jacob walking with Bella, neither Embry or Quill nearby. From where the three wolves stood they could hear Jacob telling the nosy human the legends of the tribe and about the Cullens.  Buffy was pissed, how dare Jacob bring up her mates. Turning from the beach Buffy communicated through the mind link to her pack brothers that she had to go to her mates to warn them about Bella.

"Tell Sam that I'm going to my mates. I need Jasper to help calm me down before I go down there and kill that nosy bitch."

"Go Snow, we got it," Seth-wolf said to his pack sister, Paul nodding in agreement.

Buffy nodded to her brothers before taking off towards the treaty line.  As soon as she crossed into Cullen territory her mates scensed her.  They were confused as to why Buffy was on her way towards them.  As soon as Snow burst through the trees outside her mate's home did all four of them exit the house. 

Once Snow saw Jasper she pounced towards him, changing back just as she reached his arms.  Buffy didn't care that she was naked in Jasper's arms, she just needed to calm down.  Once Buffy's arms were around Jasper's neck, her face buried in the crook of his neck taking in his calming scent.  When her mates noticed that she was naked, Carlisle quickly took off his white doctor's coat and wrapped it around Buffy's shoulders to cover her.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Edward asked her, as Jasper lifted her bridal style and took her inside.

"Bella's close to finding out your secret.  Jake just had to tell her the legend of the tribe along with the treaty with your family.  Well of the old treaty that is," Buffy said as she shook in anger.

Jasper sat down on the couch in Carlisle's office, still holding onto Buffy trying to help keep  her calm.  However, Jasper noticed that as soon as Carlisle placed his coat around her shoulders did she calm down more.  When Edward read Jasper's mind he sat down on the floor in front of Jasper, putting his hand on her thigh, just so she knew that another mate was close.  Carlisle sat to the right of Jasper, Buffy's back facing him, where he placed his head on her left shoulder. Emmett sat on Jasper's left and placed Buffy's calves into his lap as he rubbed comforting circles on her skin.

Breathing in her mate's scents Buffy began to calm down fully.  Her breathing had evened out and the shaking had finally stopped.  Minutes later after Buffy's mates had come in contact with their mate did they realize that she was asleep.  Seconds later Carlisle's phone rang in his coat pocket.

"Hello," Carlisle said as he quickly answered his phone so he wouldn't wake his mate.

"Hey, it's Sam, is Buffy with you?"

"Yes, she's here Sam, got her about five minutes ago."

"Okay, have her call me when she's awake.  Knowing Buffy she's probably asleep in one of your arms."

"Jasper has her now, but we're all around her," Carlisle said.

"Good, she needs her imprints.  Thank you Carlisle." Sam said before hanging up.

Once Carlisle hung up with Sam, he looked over at his mate to see that she was sound asleep in Jasper's arm.  Buffy's mates couldn't help but to smile at their mate sleeping. Even though they had known their mate for a few short weeks, all four of her mates loved her.

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