Chapter 6: Car Accident and Hospital Visit

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(pretend instead of Bella its Buffy, but with diamond skin)

It's been a week since Buffy and her father had moved to Forks and in that time Buffy had gotten even closer to her mates.  Since Buffy wasn't able to see Carlisle as much as the other's she had promised to stay the weekend at her mates house.  Of course after joining Sam's pack Buffy she was required to go on patrols with Paul or Jacob.  At first Buffy's mates didn't like that she would be across the treaty line even though they could join her, they didn't want her to feel as if they didn't trust her with the pack.

It was Monday when Buffy pulled up to school in her Jeep across the lot since she was running slightly late that morning and when she got out Jasper pulled her in for a kiss, followed by Edward then Emmett.  Alice and Rose couldn't help as they watched their brother's interact with their mate.  As Emmett was holding Buffy off of the ground so that he could kiss her better, Buffy's head snapped up when the sound of Bella's truck pulled into the parking lot.  When Buffy saw Bella glaring over at her she let out a low growl that caused her mates to all look at her then to who she was glaring at.

"Just ignore her baby and go to class." Edward said as Emmett put her back on her feet.

Buffy nodded as she took Jasper's hand and headed in towards class.  For the rest of the morning things went smoothly for Buffy and her mates.  It was now lunch and Buffy was sitting on Edward' lap as both Emmett and Jasper fed her fruit.  Just  then the sound of someone clearing their throat causing the four mates to look up to see a glaring Bella Swan.

"What do you want Isabella," Buffy growled.

"I don't see what they see in you.  You're just a freak and from what I heard a mutant.  You should know your kind isn't welcome here," Bella said with a smirk.

"For your information Isabella, the mutant community is protected by your government.  However there are some dimwitted human's still discriminate against us.  By the way, stop thinking that Edward's yours."  Buffy said, as she leaned more into Edward's chest, his arms tightening slightly around her waist.

"Why can't you take a hint Bella and leave our girlfriend alone," Edward said, kissing her on the side of the head.

"When will you wake up and realize that you belong with me and not this freak of nature," Bella sneared before she walked away.

"Something tells me that she's planning something," Jasper said as he took Buffy's hand, rubbing comforting circles on the back of her hand.

"I can't tell at the moment, all I picked up on in her thoughts are of what she wants to do with my mate.  So revolting," Buffy said as she shuddered.

"Don't worry baby, you're the only one I want to do those things with." Edward whispered in Buffy's ear causing her to blush before her eyes flashed gold.

"Don't tempt me Edward," Buffy purred in Snow's voice before she kissed him on the lips.

Unaware to the mates Bella was watching them as she planned on how to get rid of Buffy Howlett.

As Bella watched the mutant freak kiss Edward she continued to think of her plan to get rid of Buffy once and for all.  She remembered Tyler saying that he just got his van back from the shop the other day and from hanging out with Jaco, Bella knew how to at least do a brake job.  She would wait for the right moment then let the van do its job in ending the freak's life.  After the last bell rang Bella quickly left towards the parking lot to put her plan into action.

As the last bell rang Buffy was walking to the Cullen's car talking to Alice about prom.  Alice and Rose were forcing her to go with them, but she told them that she'd only go if one of the boys asked her to go.  Alice started to pout until Rose pulled her away as Edward, Emmett, and Jasper reached their mate.

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