Chapter V: A New Treaty and Buffy's Wolf

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"Well, I'm sure everyone is wondering what my wolf looks like.  Shall we go outside so I can shift?"  Buffy said, still in Jasper's arms.

Billy nodded as he led the way outside with Old Quill, Harry, the pack, Logan, the Cullens, and Buffy following.  Once outside Buffy got out of Jasper's arms and walked behind the nearest tree to shift.  After undressing she folded her clothes and allowed her body to shift.  Once Buffy had shifted into her giant white wolf form, she walked out from behind the tree.

  Once Buffy had shifted into her giant white wolf form, she walked out from behind the tree

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Buffy saw her father smile at her as she slowly walked over to her father's side.  Buffy could see all my mates looking at her with love in their eyes.  Jasper was the first one to slowly approach his mate, gently stroking her white fur.  Buffy couldn't help but to lean her head into his hand at the comfort of his touch.

"So beautiful," Jasper said in a low voice as he continued to pet my fur.

"Such a beautiful white wolf.  I've never seen a white wolf in all my years." Carlisle said as he also approached me and started stroking my neck. 

Feeling Carlisle pet her neck she turned and rubbed her head against his, slightly knocking him to the side.  As Carlisle stumbled Buffy couldn't help but let out a bark of happiness causing her mates to chuckle at her happiness.  Edward and Emmett had now come over and were running their hands through her fur.  Buffy couldn't help but to close her eyes in delight while nuzzling her head against Jasper.

"It seems like Snow and Jasper have formed an even closer bond since he was the first to accept Buffy's wolf." Logan said.

Buffy decided to go back behind the tree and shift back into her human form and rejoin her mates.  When Buffy got closer to them Carlisle pulled her against his chest and held her lovingly.  Since Carlisle worked as a doctor Buffy wasn't able to spend as much time with him so being held in his arms was comforting.

"The reason why I'm slightly closer to Jasper is because he was the one I imprinted on first." Buffy said as she got comfortable in Carlisle's arms.  "It doesn't mean that I don't love you all the same."

Carlisle tightened his arms around me while Edward, Emmett, and Jasper all kissed her on the cheek before they all went into Billy's small living room.  There was now only Sam and the Elders there along with Logan and her mates.  Everyone gathered around the small table in the living room, Logan standing next to his daughter while her mates stood behind her, Buffy was still in Carlisle's arms loving how his cold skin felt on her hot skin.

"So what's going to change in this treaty?  I'm sure it's going to be fine for me to cross the treaty line.  And I'm also guessing that Sam would want me to join the pack," Buffy said as she settled into Carlisle's arms, Edward taking her left hand, Jasper taking her right, and Emmett sitting down in the chair in front of her.

"Yes Buffy, you will be allowed to jump from territory to territory and yes we would love to have you join the pack.  That is if her mates are okay with it, also we would like for you to get the tattoo of the pack." Sam said.  "Also as long as Buffy is with one of you, you are welcome on our land."

The Cullens looked at one another before Carlisle nodded.  Stepping from behind Buffy, Carlisle approached Sam, holding out his hand to signal that they agree with the new treaty.

"Thank you Sam for allowing Buffy to join your pack and allowing us to cross the treaty line as long as we're with her." Carlisle said as he and Sam shook hands.

"Anything for a fellow wolf.  Our laws are sacred and we are not allowed to touch you or the others because of the imprinting law." Sam said, shaking Carlisle's hand.

"Well now that's settled, I'm eager to go to bed.  It's been a long time since I last shifted and Snow is down for the night." Buffy said as she leaned over Emmett's shoulders causing him to laugh.

Putting his hands under her thighs Emmett, secured his mate on his back before saying goodbye to the Elders and Sam.  Buffy tossed Jasper the keys to her motorcycle and told him to drive it to her house while Emmett ran there with Buffy on his back.  After reaching her house Emmett carried Buffy into her room and placed her down on her bed.  Carlisle, Edward, Jasper appeared then in the room smiling lovingly at the two.

"Let me go shower and get into my pajamas then we can cuddle." Buffy said with a sly smile.

"Okay beautiful, hurry back." Edward said as he kissed my cheek.

Buffy smiled before grabbing my Harley Quinn and Joker t-shirt and short shorts before teleporting into my bathroom.  After a quick shower, and after shaving all over, Buffy put on her favorite lotion, peppermint, she got into her pajamas before lightly fluffing her hair out all sexy like. As Buffy stood in her bathroom doorway all four of her mates turned and just stared at her with hunger in their eyes.

 As Buffy stood in her bathroom doorway all four of her mates turned and just stared at her with hunger in their eyes

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"Down boys, I'll be sleeping with each one of you in due time," Buffy said teasingly as she crawled onto her extra large bed shaking her hips as she crawled

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"Down boys, I'll be sleeping with each one of you in due time," Buffy said teasingly as she crawled onto her extra large bed shaking her hips as she crawled.

"Such a tease beautiful," Emmett said as he vamped to lay behind her while Carlisle got in front of her.

Buffy placed her head on Carlisle's chest while Emmett wrapped his arms around her waist.  She smiled as she watched Edward and Jasper look at one another before Jasper ended up with his head on her stomach and Edward on her thighs.  Minutes later Buffy started to feel the drowsiness of sleep start to take over and finally allowing sleep to overtake.

Their Mutant MateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora