Chapter IV: Meeting the Elders on the Rez, and Joining a Pack

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A/N: Everyone in the pack has already shifted, Buffy becomes best friends with Paul, Jacob and Seth. Sister to Leah and Emily.

***The Next Day***

After waking up from the previous night's events Buffy got up at her usual time and went for a run. When she returned Buffy took a shower and got ready for school.  When she got to the kitchen there she saw that her dad left a note saying that he left to go talk to a man by the name of Harry Clearwater about a job.  Buffy ended up eating a whole box of cereal before going to brush her teeth then leave for school.  Deciding to take her motorcycle to school today, the thought of seeing her mates again excited her.

Twenty minutes later Buffy arrived at school to park right in between Emmett's Jeep and Edward's Volvo.  After getting off her bike Emmett immediately picked Buffy up in his arms and spun her around.  Buffy couldn't help but to let out a squeal and wrapped her arms around his wide shoulders.  Emmett couldn't help but to let out a booming laugh at the joy coming from his mate.  Edward and Jasper were standing next to Emmett and Buffy smiling at their mate.

As the sound of Bella's old truck pulling up into the parking lot caught the mates attention, Snow couldn't help but to let out a low growl that caused Emmett to slightly tighten his arms around her.  Edward and Jasper moved closer to Buffy as they watched Bella get out of her truck.  Bella looked over at the mates and glared at Buffy.  Buffy decided then to do something that would piss Bella off even more, she got out of Emmett's arms, walked over to Edward and pulled his face to look at hers as she kissed him on the lips.

Edward's arms quickly wrapped around Buffy's waist pulling her closer to him as the kiss deepened.  When the couple heard Bella let out a scoff and walk away did they break the kiss.  Before Buffy could recover from the kiss with Edward did Emmett pull her back in his arms and kiss her just as passionately as Edward did.  After kissing Edward and Emmett, Jasper kissed Buffy with the same love as his brothers.

"We should get to class cowboy," Buffy said as she pecked Jasper on the lips.

"Okay darling," Jasper said smiling at his mate.

Turning towards her two other mates Buffy gave them each a peck on their lips before taking Jasper's hand and pulling him towards class.  Alice and Rose couldn't help but to laugh at the young wolf as she interacted with the soldier. 

Classes flew by that morning for Buffy and now she was sitting on Emmett's lap in the cafeteria with Edward and Jasper on either side of her.  The Cullens were laughing at a story that Buffy was telling them about a prank that she and Nightcrawler had pulled on Scott, or Cyclops.  The laughter stopped then when Buffy looked up to see Bella standing in front of her.

"What now," she nearly growled.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Edward."

Buffy went to stand up but Emmett held her in place on his lap.  Edward glared at Bella before placing his hand on Buffy's thigh gently rubbing his thumb back and forth, on top of her thigh, trying to calm her.

"I'm not interested in you Bella, nor will I ever be.  Emmett, Jasper and I all talked about it yesterday and we are all interested in entering a polyamora relationship with Buffy.  Now leave us alone."

"But..." Bella started to argue.

"Edward told you to leave us alone.  Now I suggest you leave before things get ugly." Buffy said as she glared at Bella.

Stomping her foot like a child Bella left to walk towards her table of friends.  The bell rang signaling the end of lunch and the mates walked towards the library for their free period.

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