|19| what do we do with him?

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Y/ns POV

I sleep all day. I didnt wake up once. The whole house was silent until I heard screaming from the next room over. Maggie was pounding on the door. I walk over to her "I heard glass." She says. I hear beth crying in the bathroom. "Beth. Beth are you okay? Open the door. Please" I say. "Dont do it beth. Dont do it. Please" Maggie says while jerking on the doorknob. Maggie goes and looks for a key. She comes back with a Bobby pin. "Please beth open the door. I'm not mad" she says.

I grab a stick thing with a golden handle and walk over to the door. I break the doorknob and open it. We walk in and beth is in there holding her bleeding wrist. "I'm sorry" she says. Maggie goes and hugs her and walking her back to bed "it's ok. Its ok" she says. I can't look at this anymore. I look outside and see Glenn on the swing. I walk down the stairs and outside. I run over to him and sit by him on the swing. "Beth tried slitting her wrists" I say. My eyes start to sting at the memory and Glenn wraps his arms around me. "Is she okay?" He asks. "I think so. I couldnt look anymore" I say. "Let's get you back to your room". He walks me back and lays by me.

I fall asleep but that was a bad idea. (Authors note- this is a nightmare) I am back at the bar and Glenn's feet are there. I go to check on him and his face is pale and bloody. Hes a walker. I turn around and see beth. Her eyes roll into the back of her head as she reaches out for me. I see jaqui and Jim both running after me. I start to run but I trip and fall. But there is no end. I keep falling.

I jolt up in my bed. I'm breathing really heavily and looking around. Glenn is still by me and he sits up. "What's wrong?" He asks, his voice full of concern. "I had a nightmare about everyone we lost. I dreamt that you died back at the bar" I say. He wraps his arms around me. "How is beth doing?" I ask. "Shes still a little out of it. You should talk to her" Glenn says. I get up and walk to her room "hey y/n" she says. "Y/n I'm so sorry". "Dont be. It's ok. You're okay. That's what matters" I say. I go lay down with her and hug her. "I love you beth. You're my best friend in this world" I say. "I love you too y/n" she says. Rick comes into the room " we're having a meeting in the living room" he says. "You stay here beth. Get some more rest" i say.

I leave before she has a chance to say anything different. "We need to talk about randall. We need to figure out what to do with him" shane says. "So how do we do this? Just take a vote?" Rick asks. "Marjority rules?" Lori questions. "Well let's see where everyone stands" Rick says. "Well where I sit, theres only one way to move forward" shane says. "Killing him. Right? I mean why even bother to take a vote? It's clear which way the wind is blowing" dale argues. "Well if people believe we should spare him, I wanna know" rick says.

"Well I can tell you it's a small group maybe just me, Glenn and y/n" dale says . I nod as glenn looks at him with guilty eyes. "Look, I think you're pretty much right about everything, all the time but" glenn says before dale interrupts him. "Theyve got you scared" dale yells. "Hes not one of us. And weve lost too many people already." glenn says. I look at glenn. Why does he want to kill him? This is the same guy that saved me when it first started. "What about you? Do you agree with this?" Dale asks maggie. "Couldnt we continue keeping him prisoner?" She asks.

"Just another mouth to feed" Daryl says. "It may be a lean winter" hershel says. "We could ration better" lori adds. "Well he could be an asset. Give him a chance to prove himself." Dale says. "Put him to work?" Glenn questions. "We're not letting him walk around" rick demands.   "We could put an escort on him" Maggie says. "Who wants to volunteer for that duty?" Shane asks sarcastically. "I will. I dont wanna kill an innocent man." I say.  "So will I" dale says. "I dont think any of us should be walking around with this guy" rick says with his hand up.

"Hes right. I wouldnt feel safe unless he was tied up" lori says. "We can't exactly put chains around his ankles, and sentence him to hard labor" andrea says. "Look, say we let him join us right? Maybe hes helpful, maybe hes nice. We let our guard down and maybe he runs off, and brings back 30 men" Shane says. "So the answer is to kill him for something he hasn't even done?" Dale asks. "You know what. I'm done talking about this" I say before walking off to my tent. They are killing an innocent man.

899 words

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