|10| herd

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Season 2

Y/ns POV

We had been driving for about 2 hours. Glenn was driving like usual and I was passed out in the passenger. When I wake up I hear daryls motorbike outside the driver door. "Geez daryl could that thing be any louder?" I whine. "Yes." He says and revs his bike. I laugh and roll my eyes. I finally look ahead to all the cars in front of us. "See a way through?" Glenn asks. Daryl moves his head and drives off somewhere. "Theres an interstate a little while away" dale says. "We cant waste the gas" shane says.

We started to follow daryls bike through the traffic. "Jeez" I say. Theres a lot of walkers and 90 percent of the cars are flipped. Then steam starts to come out of the hood. "Oh man" glenn says. "We can find supplies here" andrea says. "This is a graveyard. I don't know how I feel about this" lori says. Lori can be sweet, but at times like this I wanna slap her. Noone cares lori. Me and glenn go with eachother to look. The first car we look in was a red Kia. It looked exactly like the one my parents drove. We went into the trunk, and the back. I found a a lot of food and ammo. In the bottom, on the floor was a blanket. My blanket. This was my parents car. I grabbed it and looked at it. Glenn came over to me "what is that?"

"My blanket" I whisper. I open the driver door and see two walkers. Both of them the people I called my parents. I felt a sob coming up my throat. I swallowed it and grabbed the knife. I stabbed their heads and ended the suffering. "Y/n are you okay?" Glenn asks. I grab the picture from the sun visor. It was me on top of my parents shoulders after my first day of preschool. I don't say anything as I shove the picture in my pocket. We look through some of the other cars. We go back to the rv and see dale messing with the engine. "Hand me screwdriver?" Dale asks. Glenn grabs the tool box "which one?" "Flathead. Radiator hose clamp is always a flathead" dale says.

He hands me and Glenn towels "wipe it off please" he says before walking away. Me and Glenn wipe the hose off, making steam even more. Me and Glenn start coughing. The steam stops "Dale try the engine" I say. The engine turns on. "WE DID IT!" I yell and high five glenn. "Wow I thought we broke it" glenn says. "GET UNDER A CAR!" Rick yells. I turn around and see walkers. A lot of walkers. Glenn grabs me and pulls us both under a car. He holds me close to him and wait out the walkers. They are going by us for a good 10 minutes before they stop. "Wait a couple more minutes before we get out" Glenn whispers. I nod my head in response.

"Sophia! Sophia!" I hear rick whisper- yelling. I look over and see sophia climbing out from under the car. A walker comes for her and she runs into the woods. Rick follows her. Me and glenn get out from under the car and run to where she went "walkers have my baby" Carol cries. Lori holds her back and covers her mouth. We dont need walkers after us. Rick comes back up. "She ran. I need help". Me, glenn, daryl and shane go with him. I have my knife drawn out and we started searching. "Shane, glenn you guys go back and tell them that we're looking. Keep things calm" rick says. They head back and we go forward.

Daryl takes the lead "there's footprints" he says. "I dont see any" rick says. I look over Daryls shoulder. "Their faint, but there" I say. "She went through here" daryl adds. "How can you tell?" Rick asks. "You want a lesson on tracking, or find that girl and get off the interstate?" Daryl asks. We here something russel in the bushes. We slowly creep up to it. It's just a Walker. Daryl shoots it and it falls over. "Sophia!" Daryl yells. Rick goes down and grabs the walkers hand. "Whatre you doing?" Daryl asks. "Checking for skin under the fingernails". Me and Daryl just nod in response.

Rick flips it over "it fed recently". He grabs something in its mouth "it's got flesh in its teeth" "what kind of flesh?" "Only one way to know for sure". Rick grabs his knife and stabs it in the stomach. He starts to cut it and let me tell you, it smelled absolutely horrible. Daryl digged his hands inside of it and pulled out a woodchuck head. "Well that's not sophia" I say. We come back. Everyone looks at us and we just shake our heads.

"You can't leave my daughter out there alone, to spend the night in the woods" carol cries. "I know this is hard but I'm asking you to not panic" rick says. "We know she was out there and we tracked her for a while" I say. "We have to make this and organized effort" rick says. I go over to glenn and hug him. "Why didnt she just stay under the car?" Glenn whispers. "I don't know but I wish she did". We fall asleep and get ready for the next day.

Authors note - dont hate me but sophis was rlly dumb. HOW HARD IS IT TO STAY UNDER A CAR

934 words

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