|3| geeks?

11 0 0

Y/ns POV

When I wake up that morning Glenn is still passed out. I shake him awake "glenn get up. We're gonna miss breakfast" he slowly blinks his eyes open. We go out of our tent. "We need a couple people to make a run" shane says. It ends in me, Glenn, andrea, merle, jaqui, tdog, and ed going. We leave after breakfast and get in the car. Glenn drives and I'm in the passenger.

When we get there we all grab our guns and get out. We start shooting them and heading inside the grocery store. We get the food we need and get out. But as we get out we realize that the car had been surrounded. No way we were getting to that. We started running and eventually ended up in front of a store. A clothing store.

"Well looks like this is home for now" I say as we walk in. "We have enough food to last about 2 weeks" jaqui says. We start walking around the store, making sure its safe. "alright you see anything, shoot it" tdog says. We walk into a room and I kill almost 12 of them. Then my gun runs out. I grab the knife Glenn gave me and I start stabbing them. I'm having trouble getting the knife out of one of their heads. A whole bunch of geeks come up against me. I yank the knife out its skull and stab all the ones pushing against me.

I go out and look for everyone. I can't find them. Where did they go? I walk around the whole place. I can't find them. Did they leave me? I dont have time to yell before geeks are already going after me. "GLENN! TDOG! ANYONE HELP!" I scream. Then the walkers start to get shot down. I turn around and see glenn holding a gun. I put the knife back in the holster. "GLENN!" I yell and run over and hug him. " I thought you guys left me" I say, I'm so out of breath I can barely speak. "I thought you were dead" Glenn says before taking my face in his hands "dont scare me like that".

We go back and when jaqui sees me she says "oh dear lord child we need to clean you". I didnt even realize how bloody I was. There was blood on my face and all over my clothesm We found a tub and used water from the bathroom. "I'm gonna wash you off and check you ok?" Jaqui says. I get undressed at get inside. GEEZ THIS IS FREEZING! "Check for what?" I ask. "Scrathes or bites. That's how you turn into one of them." "One of the geeks?" I ask. "Is that what you call them?" She asks with a chuckle. "Yeah. Me and glenn came up with it"

Glenn's pov

I start to pace around. Please do not be hurt. Please be perfectly fine. I would never forgive myself for not getting to her in time. "She's fine. I'm sure of it" tdog says. "Did you see all of the geeks that were on her?" I ask. "I've only known her for a day but shes tough. I can feel it" he says. I really hope so. I hope jaqui dosent find anything.

Y/ns POV

Jaqui stops cleaning me. "You're good!" She says with a smile. "Thank you jaqui" I say. She hands me a towel." I'll get your clothes". She brings me my clothes and I get changed. When we enter the room glenn is pacing around. He looks really worried. "Glenn" I say. He immediately turns around. "Y/n! You're okay?" He asks. I nod. I go and hug him. "Do not tell me you were pacing around the whole time we were gone" I say. He laughs "no?".

The next day me and glenn go to find another car. We see a man go into a tank. "What is he doing?" I ask Glenn. I pick up a walkie talkie. "Glenn should we try this?" We try different stations. Then we're down to the last channel. "Let's hope this works or hes screwed"

Authors note - rick comes next chapter!!!

Words 703

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