|6| wheres merle?

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Me and Glenn pull up to the camp, siren still blaring. "TURN THAT OFF" dale yells. "I dont know how!" Glenn yells back. "Pop the hood" glenn and amy both scream. I hop back in and hit the button. "Wheres andrea?" Amy asks. "There fine. Everyone's fine" I say. "Well, merle not so much" glenn adds. "You crazy driving this thing up here? Trying to draw every walker for miles?" Shane basically yells. "I think we're okay" dale says. "You call being stupid okay?" Shane asks. "The alarm was echoing all over the hills. They must've went every other direction" dale says.

Shane looks at him angrily. "Not arguing, just saying. But it would help for you two to think it through better." Dale says. "Sorry" me and glenn apologize."we got a cool car". The others approach in the van. People start coming out of the van. Everyone is out except for rick. "Wheres rick?" I whisper to glenn. I see Carl start crying. Poor kid lost his dad when this started. "Howd you guys get out?" Shane asks. "New guy." Glenn responds "new guy?". "RICK COME OUT OF THERE ALREADY!" I yell. I see Carl and Lori's face light up as he walks out. I see rick start to tear up "oh my gosh" he whispers. He starts running and and carl and lori run towards him "DAD!DAD!" carl yells. They all hug.

"We found the kids dad" I smile to glenn. We spend the rest of the day just talking. Its nighttime and we are sitting by the fire. "Disoriented. That's the thing that comes closest. Fear, confusion, all those things but Disoriented comes closest" rick says. "Words can be meager things" dale says. "I felt like I had been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else. For a while I thought I was trapped in some coma dream." Rick finishes. "Mom said you died." Carl tells rick. "She had every reason to believe that". Uh oh. This is gonna be messy. I know that lori and shane were a kinda sorta thing.

"They said they were gonna transfer you to atlanta. Never happened. Lorie says. "You were probably on there list when it fell" I say. "I barely got out" "I barely got them out." Shane adds. "I cannot tell you how grateful I am shane. I can't begin to Express it" Rick says with a small smile. "There goes words falling short again" dale says with a laugh. Shane starts to yell at ed about a log. "I think I'm gonna go to bed" I tell glenn. "Me too". "Goodnight everyone" I say and head to the tent. I lay down and start to daze off.

I woke up to glenn zipping the tent "you're really loud" I complained. "Deal with it" he says. "I cant believe that rick is the guy that Carl and lori were talking about" I say. "Me neither". "Did you hear what shane called the geeks? It sounded pretty cool" I say. "Walkers?" "Yea. We should start calling them that" "sure". "Goodnight glenn" "goodnight y/n".

I wake up the next morning to glenn shaking me awake. "Look at what their doing to our car!" He yells. We go out there and dale, shane and Morales taking it apart. "Vultures." Glenn whispers. "Yeah go on, strip it clean" glenn yells. "we need as much fuel as we can get. Sorry glenn" dale says and pats his shoulder. "Thought I'd get to drive it at least a few more days" he says. "We'll get to steal one again" I say. "Wanna go down and fish?" Glenn asks. "Sure". We grab the fishing stuff and go down to the lake. "This water is so blue" I say. I mean it seriously looks unnatural.

"Get over it princess" glenn says. "Stop calling me that rhee" I laugh. "But your my kid remember? How can I not?" He laughs. We were fishing for an hour and caught 3 fish. "Thisll do" glenn says and we head back up to shore. As soon as we make it to the rv we hear a scream. Me and glenn both run as fast as we can to it. We find a walker chewing on a deer. I grab my knife from my belt. We beat it until dave takes his axe and cuts off his head.

"Its the first one we've had up here. They never come this far up the mountain" dale says. "They're running out of food in the city" Jim says. We hear footsteps and hold up our weapons. Then a daryl comes out. "That was mine" he says. He starts kicking the walker and yelling stuff at it. "I've been tracking this deer for miles. Think we can cut around the chewed part right here?" He asks. "Wouldnt risk it" shane says. "I got squirrel. A dozen or so" Daryl says.

The walker head starts to move. "Come on people" daryl says as he shoots it with the crossbow. "Nice to have you back daryl" I say. Daryl acted all tough but I could tell he was a softie. "Whatever" he says and walks away. He starts yelling for Merle. "Daryl. I need to talk to you" shane says. "There was a problem in Atlanta." Daryl looks around "he dead?" He asks. "We're not sure" "he either is or he aint!" Daryl yells. "No easy way to say this so I'll just say it" rick says. Please dont say anything stupid. "Your brother was a danger to us all. So I handcuffed him to a piece of metal. Hes still there" rick says. "Let me process this" oh no. This is bad. Really bad. "YOU HANDCUFF MY BROTHER TO A ROOF AND YOU LEAVE HIM THERE?!" he screams. "Yeah" is all rick says.

If I was rick. I would run. Daryl swings at him and everyone drops there stuff to hold him back "Daryl. Daryl. I know it's a lot but please calm down" I tell him. Shane grabs him. "LET ME GO" "it's better if I dont" shane says. "I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Can you handle that?" Rick asks. Daryls breathing slows. Hes calming down. "Its not Rick's fault. I had the key." Tdog confesses. "You couldn't pick it up?" "It fell down a drain" tdog says. Daryl starts to cry. He gets up "if this supposed to help, it isnt" daryl says. "Well maybe this will. I chained the door to the roof so the walkers cant get in" tdog says "its gotta count for something" rick adds.

He wipes his eyes "screw all of you! Just tell me where he is, so I can get him". "He'll show you." Lori says "isnt that right?" "I'm going back" rick says. "So am I" glenn says. "Me three". A couple more people offer up. "Let's go get my brother"

Authors note- I think I'm gonna have y/n and daryls relationship be the same as glenn and hers tbh

1176 words

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