|12| wellwalker

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When I woke up that morning Daryl was riding in on his bike , followed by dale and the others in the rv. "Hey guys!" I say as they get out. Patricia walks up to us "it's time for the funeral". We walk over and there is a pile of rocks. We all put a rock on top while hershel does a service. "Shane will you speak for otis?" He asks. "I'm not good at it. I'm sorry" shane replies, putting his head down. "Please? You shared his final moments" Patricia asks through tears. "Please. I need to know his death had meaning"

"Okay. We were about done. Almost out of ammo. We were down to pistols by then. I was limping pretty bad. Ankle was all swollen up. 'We've gotta save the boy' is what he said. He gave me his backpack, shoved me ahead he told me to run. He said he would take cover for me. I looked back and they had got him" shane finishes. Something about that story seemed off. I couldnt tell what. But it seemed off. After the funeral we told them about Sophia. "How long has this girl been gone?" Hershel asks as Maggie lays down a map.

"County map. Shows terrain and and elevations" maggie says. "This is perfect. We can get this organized. We grid the whole area, start searching in teams" rick says. "Not you, not today. You gave 3 units of blood. You wouldnt be hiking 5 minutes in this heat before passing out" hershel says. "And your ankle,  push it now and you'll be laid up a month" he finishes. "Tomorrow then" rick says. "We cant have our people out there with just knives. They need gun training. We promised them" shane says. "I'd prefer you not carrying guns on my property" hershel says.

"We're guests here. This is your property. And we will respect that" rick says. We all set down our guns. "First things first: set camp, find sophia." Rick says. "I hate to be the one to ask but what happens if we find her and shes bit?" Shane asks. "You do what has to be done" rick asks. "What do we tell carol?" I ask. "The truth". "I'll get all the guns, make sure noone touches them until we get a safe place to practice" shane says. Everyone walks away. I go to hershel "hey hershel? Is it alright if dale has his rifle up on the rv? In case" I ask him. "I suppose. But it has to stay up there" he says. "Thank you hershel!" I say as I'm walking away.

I find rick "I talked to hershel and we can have a rifleman on the RV. The gun has to stay up there though." I say. Rick puts his hand on my shoulder "thanks kid. Appreciate it" "no problem" I smile and walk away. Glenn walks up to me "hey I'm going on a supply run with maggie". "to where?" I ask. "Pharmacy in town. I should be back by sundown". I hug him "be safe". "GUYS!" tdog yells. We all run over to them. Dale points down the well, I look down and see a walker. "Man that thing is ugly" I say.

"How long do you think that's been down there?" Glenn asks. "Long enough to grow gills" I reply. "I'll get a rope" t dog says. "Shoot it?" I ask. "We can't shoot it. Itll contaminate the water" shane says. "So it needs to come out alive?" Maggie asks. "Yeah". "How do we do that?" Glenn asks. Tdog comes back with a rope. We tie a peace of meat to it and throw it down. "Its not going for it" sale says. "Well its not gonna kick and scream" I say. "Theres a reason the dead didnt come back to life and start raiding our cupboards" lori says. "We need live bait" andrea says. We all look at Glenn. He puts his hat on my head "just in case it falls" he says. Shane starts to tie him up and he starts complimenting him. "Have I mentioned that I really like your new haircut? You have a nice shaped head." He says. I start laughing. "Dont worry about it. Itll be fine" I tell him.

"We're gonna get you out of here in one piece" shane says. "Living piece. That living part is important" Glenn says. "Nice and slow please". "Oh you people are crazy" maggie says. "You want it out of your well or not?" Shane asks. "Give us an eye there y/n" dale says. I walk over and glenn is climbing in. "Doing okay?" I ask. "Yep. Doing great. Living the dream" "no need to be a jerk about it rhee. I can cut this rope" I say. We lower him down more and more. Then the hose breaks. I hear Glenn scream. "GRAB THE ROPE! QUICK!" I yell. "GET ME OUT OF HERE! GET ME OUT OF HERE! LET ME UP!" I hear glenn scream.

Glenn continues screaming. "PULL HIM UP! PULL HIM UP!" Everyone was screaming. He came out of the top and climbed out. I ran over to him and basically jumped into his arms "ARE YOU OKAY?" I yell. "I'm fine. I'm fine" he says. I let go of him. "Back to the drawing board" dale says. "Says you" glenn smiles as he hands dale a rope. We all pull the walker up and hes about halfway out of the well when he breaks in half and the bottom half falls into the well. "We should seal off this well" tdog goes and hits it head "good thing we didnt do anything like shoot it" he says before walking away. 

Glenn's pov

Me and Maggie are riding the horses down to the pharmacy. "You know normally I would do this on my own, or with y/n" I say. She dosent say anything. "You alright?" "I'm fine" she says. "I saw the look on your face, back at the well. Never seen one killed up close before?" She stays quiet. We make it to the pharmacy and go inside. I look at the list lori gave me. A pregnancy test? Woah. I go to the women aisle and grab one. I'm surprised theres some here. Maggie comes up "watcha got there?" I drop it and grab something random. "Um nothing just general stuff"

"condoms?" I look down at the box. Seriously? "You got a girlfriend I dont know about?" She asks. "Me? No. No" I say. "Then you're a pretty confident guy" "no. No no no I wasnt, i would never- " "is there something wrong with me?" She asks. "No. I would never have sex - uh I'm lost" I finally finish. "I'll have sex with you" she says. WHAT. "really?" She takes off her shirt and bra. I take off my shirt and kiss her.

Y/ns POV

I'm reading in the rv when I notice glenn and Maggie are back. "Hey glenn! Hey maggie!" I say while walking out. "Hey y/n" they both say. Glenn goes to lori and hands her a bag. He comes over to me "what was in the bag you gave to lori?" I ask. He pulls me by the arm by a tree. "She wanted me to get her a pregnancy test" he whispers. "WHAT" I whisper shout. Oh my gosh that's not too good. Having a baby in this world seems dangerous. I go to dinner and everything goes well. "Do you wanna sleep in my room tonight?" Beth asks. "Like a sleepover?" "Sure".

We go into her room. "If I tell you this you have to keep it a secret." She nods. "Look out the window. You see lori?" I ask. "Shes going to the bathroom." "Shes taking a pregnancy test. Glenn got it for her at the pharmacy." I say. "Wow". We spend the rest of the night talking.

Authors note - I love this chapter lol

1335 words

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