|11| the greenes

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Y/ns POV

The next morning we wake up and get ready to look. "Me, Daryl and rick are carrying. We cant have people firing off whenever they hear a sound" Shane says. "Its not the trees I'm worried about" Andrea says. "Say somebody fires at the wrong moment, a herd happens to be passing by, then its game over for all of us" shane replies, obviously very annoyed. Glenn grabs an axe type thing. "This is cool" he says. I grab a real axe. "This is cooler" I say with a laugh.

We walk into the woods and stumble upon a tent. Daryl grabs a knife and walks forward. He walks around it, trying to get a good look but ends up just shrugging his shoulders. "Carol, come here" rick whispers. "Sophia, sweetie, are you in there? Sophia, we're out here baby. Its ok" Daryl unzips the tent and opens it. It's a walker in a chair. We hear church bells ringing.
Everyone runs as fast as we can to the church once we find it we go inside but dont see anything but a couple walkers. Me and glenn go outside and find a switch. "Their automatic" he says. "I'm gonna go back inside" Carol says.

I grab Glenn's hat out of his pocket and put it on. "I hope we find her" I say. "Me too. We've already lost 3 people in the last 3 days" he says. "You know glenn, I get why your always wearing this. Its comfy" "dont get used to it. You're the only other person who's worn that besides me" he says with a laugh. "I'll just keep stealing it" we both laugh when shane comes up to us. "We're looking some more". We keep looking until we hear a shot and rick yelling.

We run and run. Where did they go? Me and glenn meet up with everyone. "We cant find them" I say. We see a girl come to us on horseback. She gives us directions as lori gets on with her. She didn't tell us why but I guess we'll find out. We get in the rv and drive to where she said. "Theres the greene mailbox" I say. We climb out of the car and head to the house. I knock on the door and then I hear "did you close up the gate?" I see the girl from before sitting on a chair. "Yep. Did the latch and everything" he says. "Hello. Nice to see you again" glenn says awkwardly. Me and tdog look at him. "We came to help. Is there anything we can do?" Tdog asks.

Maggie looks at tdogs arm, concern spread on her face. "Its not walkers. I cut myself pretty bad though". "We have some painkillers and antibiotics" glenn says. "Come on inside, I'll make you something to eat" she says. We go to the kitchen table where their are already people. A girl with blonde hair, who looks about my age asks me to sit with her "I'm beth" she says with a smile. "I'm y/n" I smile back. "I take it your the group with the boy that got shot?" She asks. "Yeah" "poor boy. How old is he?" She asks. "Um like 11? 12? Somewhere around there" "hm". "Have you guys been here this whole time?" "Yeah. When things started to get bad Patricia and Otis moved in with us. And after Jimmy's family died he joined us as well" she says.

"Are your parents here?" She asks. "Nope. They were on a business trip. I found their car and bodies yesterday though." I say. "Sorry. I shouldn't have brought that up" she says while darting her eyes to the ground. "Its fine" I say with a smile. I see Glenn take off his hat and put it in his pocket. I'm getting it back. As he walks by I reach my hand out and grab it. "Why do you like it so much?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders. He laughs and turns around. "I think hes talking to maggie" beth says. "Maggie?" I ask. "The one who rode the horse" "oh". "How long have you been out there?" "Since the beginning. Glenn helped me" "oh cool".

I see headlights through the window. "Oh that's shane. Come on." I say. She follows me out and stands next to me. Shane gets out, but not Otis. "Wheres otis?" Hershel asks. Shane's eyes went to the ground "walkers got him". I hear beth start to cry by me and I wrap my arms around her. She hugs me back and continues to cry. "Dont say anything to Patricia. We need her for the surgery" hershel says before walking back inside.

Me and beth go to her room. "Are you okay?" I ask her as she lays down. "If its not too much trouble could you get me a glass of water?" "Of course". I walk down the stairs to the kitchen and glenn is there. "Hey glenn" I say. "So, heard you were talking to maggie" I say with a smile. "Whatever" he says before bringing his hand up and taking his hat back. "Noo" I say while holding my hand over my chest. We start to laugh. "We should probably go to bed" he says. We go into the tent. "Gooding glenn, love you" "goodnight y/n love you". I hope carl is okay.


918 words

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