A Kitsune In the Woods

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Sunnys pov

*Hic hic*

I huddled under a tree crying to myself. It was getting dark and I was feeling scared. What was I thinking?  It was so stupid of me to run away and now it's too dark to find my way back. I shivered as a rush of wind blew past me. Am I going to be stuck here?

"Chu" I jumped at the small sound behind me. I spun around to see a small fox, roughly around the size of mewo when she was alive.

"How silly to get scared over something so cute" I chuckled as I beaconed the small creature over "come here. I won't hurt you"

The little fox tilted his head curiously before hopping onto my lap. I chuckled as I scratched behind his ear "thanks little guy. I really needed that"

Suddenly the fox morphed into a boy with chestnut brown hair and a big smile "glad I could help!"

"Ahhhhhhh" I screamed.

"Eep" the boy yelped as he hid behind a tree "I'm sorry! I thought you were a nice human. Please don't hurt me!"

I tilted my head in confusion. I guess I scared him? I stood up and slowly approached him "I'm sorry I scared you. You just startled me is all"

He peeked out cautiously "You promise you won't kidnap me and cut off my tails?"

I looked closely at him. Fox ears and two bushy tails. I can't believe it. He's a kitsune!

I gave him a gentle smile "I promise I won't do anything like that"

"Oh that's a relief" he stepped out, his tails waving to and fro "my brother always told me that humans were always after our magic so I'm glad I met a nice one"

"Well he's not wrong. Humans suck most of the time" I shrugged. He sure is trusting. No wonder his brother worries about him!

"Hmm my families always so hard on me. That's why I've decided to run away" he said proudly "what do you think? I could totally make it on my own right?"

He has no chance in hell! "How about this, you can come live with me till we find you someplace safer"

"Oh that sounds like fun" he jumped into my arms "let's go"

"Alright" I chuckled softly. He sure is energetic. I guess I made a new friend.

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