Chapter 13

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Ryder takes out his pistol and starts shooting the glass that surrounds the coffee shop. The people gasp and some people start running and screaming. Ryder makes a run through the broken glass and leaves the shop.
"Get him!" Luke yells.
The men leave the shop and get back in their cars.
They hit the gas and start driving after Ryder.
"How many times do I have to escape these guys?" Ryder says.

Meanwhile, in Adventure Bay, Katie had given the pups dinner and now she was getting the pups ready for bed. She walks the pups to their pup-houses and they say goodnight to her.
Then she leaves. "I really hope Ryder saves Chase. I want everything to be back to normal, like it always was" Skye says, as she closes her eyes.

While running, Ryder sees a parked motorcycle at the side of the road. He hops on and hits the gas, then drives off. Ryder takes out his pistol and starts shooting his pursuers' cars.
"We can't lose him again!" Luke says.
"I need you guys to take a short cut and get infront of the boy!" Luke commands.

Blake and few other men make a turn on the road, taking a short cut to get infront of Ryder.
Ryder was driving at top speed when a few black SUV appear in his way.
"Oh no!" Ryder cries. Blake deploys a spike trap infront of Ryder's way, and before he could stop the motorcycle, he drives over the spikes.
The tires go flat and Ryder immediately abandons the vehicle. He starts running left with cars driving after him.
"This is getting really tiring" he says. Ryder runs into a shop so he can get a moment to catch his breath.

But he soon finds out that he has no time to catch his breath. The cars just recklessly crash through the shop and keep driving over everything. Ryder forces his body to keep going.
While running, he thinks quickly of an escape plan. When he spots the silhouette of the bridge against the full moon, Ryder gets an idea. He starts running for the bridge.

When the loud boom of a pistol splits through the air and a sharp pain hits Ryder's right side, Ryder falls to the ground.
He clenches his teeth together as immense pain shoots through his body.
Blood oozes from his side and stains his shirt and leather jacket.
Ryder looks back to see the cars getting dangerously close to him. He knows these guys won't hesitate to drive over him, so despite the pain and bleeding, Ryder gets up and keeps going for the bridge.

"This boy is tough" Luke says. "I didn't think it would be this hard for us to catch him" Blake says.

Ryder makes it to the bridge in two minutes. He looks down at the water below. "This is my only chance of escaping" Ryder says.
He suddenly hears the loud horn of a ship. A few miles away, Ryder sees a ship heading into Paris.
Something about the ship grabs Ryder's attention and he almost forgets why he was on the bridge in the first place.
The men on the ship look bad like the men who are pursuing him. Ryder sees chains, knives, cages, and all sorts of bad things lying around the ship. He also sees some puddles of blood on the ship floor.

"That's definitely the ship that Chase is going to be loaded on. And it's here sooner than I thought it would" Ryder says.
Ryder's time to save Chase has dramatically decreased to only one hour. And if he can't save him in one hour, Chase will be loaded onto the ship and killed.
Ryder spots the black cars heading his way. He steps over the rails of the bridge and gets ready to dive into the water.

"Is this boy nuts?" Robert says, seeing Ryder getting prepared to jump off of the bridge.
Ryder inhales a deep breath and then gives one mighty leap.
The cars pull over and the men get out to watch Ryder dive straight for the water below. Ryder plunges into the cold water.
His body sinks but he swims his way to the surface.

"During the years of my career, I've never had this much difficulty in kidnapping a kid. I've never even seen a kid like this one" Luke says. "He's not ordinary" Blake says.
"Well, the good news is, he won't be able to save his pup in one hour. The ship is here and only has one hour left to get to our place where the dogs will be loaded" Luke says. "He doesn't even know our location, so it's not possible for him to save his German Shepherd in one hour" Blake says.

"Let's get out of here" Luke says.

In the middle of the cold water, far away from land, Ryder tries his hardest to swim. But with two bullet injuries, one on his arm and one on his right side, the pain makes it hard to swim. And the exhaustion of running all day makes it even more difficult.
And the fact that he hasn't eaten a full meal since he's landed in Paris, results in him not having much energy left, and that makes it even more difficult to swim.
And by now, Ryder is tired. He got up extremely early and hasn't gotten any rest today.

Despite the fatigue and the pain, the only thing that makes Ryder force his body to swim is the fact that his time has just decreased dramatically. "I need to save Chase" he says. Just by saying that, Ryder starts swimming toward shore.

Twenty minutes of his hour is eaten up just by swimming, which means that Ryder now only has forty minutes left.
When Ryder makes it to the shore, he can no longer move a muscle. He lays on the sand, drenched, freezing, and his fresh bullet wound is bleeding.
When Ryder hears the horn of the ship, he looks back to see it sail past him. Ryder's head just falls back onto the sand and he closes his eyes. Time is ticking fast. For Ryder, he only has two choices. Stay laying on the shore or get up and save his pup in the little time he has left.

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