mint , suspicion

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"Hey Tommy"

"What Wilbur?"

"Dad left us each separate keys of the manor while he was away. It will be a bundle since it will open all doors here inside the manor. Library, attic, storage room and such. He expects you to be responsible with it"

"Why would he give us keys?"

"Because Wilbur and I won't be here all the time child" Techno butt in the conversation, holding a book while leaning on the wall, "We're looking for apartments to stay for college remember?"

"Yes. Ranboo and Tubbo are also given keys to the manor. Welcome them anytime alright? We know you dislike Ranboo but at least excuse your reasons for the sake of not disappointing dad" Wilbur gave a stern and a hateful glare to his younger brother which the other needs to control himself to avoid rolling his eyes in front of the brunette. Unbeknownst to the twins, dislike is an understatement.

"Whatever. Just leave the keys to the table. I'll get it after I'm done eating" Tommy brushed Wilbur off, putting his hands on his pockets and walking towards the kitchen to grab his food. Tommy turned left and easily went out of sight.

Technoblade walked slowly towards the single couch, distracting himself with a book. Wilbur, however, focused his eyes on the distance, to where Tommy was recently at just a second ago. Techno, seeing his twin as it is, closed his mythology book with a brown hard cover with golden print. "Okay. What's up with you?"

"Tommy seems like a different person now, don't you think?" Wilbur hummed, glint present in both his mischievous eyes

"Of course Tommy is different now, he has grew up Wilbur whether you believe it or not" Techno deadpanned

"Hm, yeah yeah" Wilbur waved his hands, now unbothered. He walked the opposite way as to where Tommy walked to a minute ago, to where the grand two stairs that are both placed on the opposite side of each other on different walls but joining both stairs into one when you walk further towards the second floor. Techno clicked his tongue, lost on his own thoughts. He sighed. He shouldn't be this worried about Tommy right now, he still needs to study for a History test tomorrow.


Tommy slammed his door. Of course Ranboo is invited! He always is! Ranboo here, Ranboo there. Ugh. Tommy rolled his eyes in annoyance. However, his mood changed when he remembered the dream earlier. Or was it a nightmare? He doesn't know anymore. He quickly went to his study desk, looking frantically for a scratch of paper. When he found one, he grinned. A blue ink pen was waiting on top of the desk, waiting to be used to write on. The blonde opened the cover, placing the said cover randomly on top of the desk. He started to write the riddle he faintly remember before he completely forgets;

"This room is where the lost has been hidden. This room is where you will find where the lost is. This room leads you to different useless things. This room will guide you to important meanings"

Maybe he's overthinking. Or maybe he's not. Who knows? It's so ominous to the point he's curious as to what that dream was trying to say. Why of all people does he receive such a dream like that? Was it a sign? A sign to what then? Or is he just over thinking? There's no other choice if Tommy really wants to find out what he's trying to look for even if he doesn't know. Except for the fact that he really needs to ask help from the only person he knows he can count on when solving riddles, Karl Jacobs.

He's just not sure if he can confront the senior, though


Second school day for the third week of school. Tommy woke up the usual, head's spinning as a result of sleeping late doing absolutely nothing. Well, at least he managed to write a decent essay for his english and literature subject. Since Professsor Nook assigned the class a day ago to pick a mythology individual, Thomas picked Achlys. A goddess that symbolizes the mist of death as well as personification of misery and sadness. A figure depicted on Hercule's shield. A fact that intrigued him is in Homer mythology, Achlys is the mist which fogs or blind mortal eyes which happened often in death. It somewhat makes sense based on Greek mythology history. It reminded him of someone familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time. But if someone calls him a nerd he will punt that someone into oblivion.

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