dahlias , discovery

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"What's wrong with Techno anyways? He's been bitchy these days" The younger rolled his eyes, laying his head in Wilbur's  shoulders, mad at the younger twin's arrogance he displayed before shutting himself in isolation

Wilbur, who's reading notes from the guitar note sheet that was distributed from his private music tutor, chuckled. Quickly replacing a false scandalized look, "Tommy! Where did you learn that- that disgraceful and nasty word! Oh how the mighty has fallen!"

"You're being a dramatic bitch you fuck face" The said younger huffed, "But seriously, what is Techno's problem?"

"He got frustrated that Dream won in their fencing duel competition a week ago. Don't worry, he'll get over it once Techno will state a rematch and ends up the victorious"

"Who's this Dream guy anyway? It's a weird name" Tommy frowned, looking at his older brother questioningly

"Dream is his rival. That's basically it" Wilbur shakes his head in faint disbelief, "Honestly, why could both just agree to the fact that not every competition or games they participated has the same winner? But I don't blame Tech though, Dream is much stronger than him and has a useful and powerful action stance that Techno couldn't achieve no matter how he tries. Dream is powerful, Toms, always remember that.  Whenever he wants it, he gets it. He's the one who pulls the strings while Foolish, his older brother, makes them"

"What does his older brother do with this? I thought we're talking about this teletubbie?" Tommy tilts his head which his older brother finds it endearing

"Don't judge the book by it's cover, I suppose" Wilbur hummed, getting his attention back to the white sheet with blank ink he's holding

"What the fuck do you mean by that? First his older brother and now a book and a cover? What?" Tommy kept on asking several questions that had randomly popped in his mind while thinking but Wilbur Soot Craft paid no mind, smiling while listening to his brother's whiny tone. Dream is the demon in disguise. His brother is simply an enigma.


Huh. Dream is actually a fun guy. Gogy, as what Tommy now called him, followed by Drista and then Purpled (It all started by accident when Tommy stuffed his mouth full and instead of saying goggles that George lowkey flexed for no apparent reason. it came out as 'gogy' which leaves an embarrassed Tommy behind. Don't worry, he recovered from shame minutes later) is not really a snob as what most girls are saying (Probably because they're jealous). Sapnap is sweet and is pining for his boyfriends when in private (Rumor thought that Sapnap has anger issues that needs to be taken care of. Well, at least Bitzel can control his while Deo doesn't care in a thousand years of petty rumors). Quackity can vibe Tommy's rumor and Karl- Karl has the same oblivious and adorable personality. Nothing changed.

Then why does Wilbur and Techno dislike the group so much?


George NotFound, a model to all leading fashion brands worldwide. There's a possibility he's training to be an actor as well. Not only some believed that he's a brat and a snob, half of the school population believes that he's dating Dream WasTaken as well. But based on Tommy's speculation, he believes that both are an old married couple who banters a lot. A senior.

Quackity HQ is the youngest owner of a casino, specifically the Las Nevadas Nation with neither any parental figure or friend's experienced guidance to manage the mentioned business and help the casino business successfully grow. In public display, Tommy thought Purpled and he loathes each other. He guesses he was wrong. They still argue with each other though most of the time they are together. How do they know each other? Probably because of a similar business running around in the background. A sophomore.

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