coriander , hidden worth

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The whole class was annoyingly amusing. When Thomas was six, he believed there's no such things that can prove that the mentioned word actually doesn't exist. The words; annoying and amusing can't be combined. It won't make sense, end of discussion.

Back to the present, he can't help but admit that his six year old self was wrong. Absolutely wrong.

Whispers, talking, chattering, laughter, filled the space of the room. Click. Clack. Students walking or intentionally ran on the hallway where the classroom was located that weren't part of the class came looking and staring at them. Instantly locking eyes to the new students that were internally suffering secretly. Professors alike came inside the classroom for the opposite reason which Tommy was gratefully thankful for, shutting his fellow classmates up and controlling their volume at best. It was clearly annoying, all the screams and yelling and Tommy just wanted to skip class and his reason was this. Surely the teacher can excuse him? At the same time, he found it amusing to watch the six suffer for his odd reasons. Noticing Drista's irritating eye roll, Time's deadly glare whenever someone is approaching, Luke who's trying his best to not pay attention at his surroundings which Tommy salutes for, Bitzel's cracking patience, Purpled burying himself into his own arms which is on the chair's desk and Wisp, Tommy's assuming that's indeed his name, strained smile. That was until their English and Literature professor, Awe-Sam Nook walked straight right inside his classroom, not bothered to greet his first class of the week. Tommy gulped nervously.

Awe-Sam Nook is known to be the strictest yet an amazing intellectual in the university. His eyes moving to watch your every move, his stance proving to be guarding a necessary treasure with his head up high and confidently walking with his right hand holding his suitcase for work. The Warden of the school as the students may say. Thomas Craft Innit thought wrong. Actually the opposite of those descriptions. Although the student may agree he is strict but an experienced teacher, there's so much more than that. Professor Nook is observant, knowing what's wrong and can easily solve problems in the university. A right hand to the Esempi Captain, even! He teaches college students, seniors, sophomores and freshmen, who's taking the robotic elective and usually has free time for consultation. In other words, Professor Nook is much more different than any other teachers Tommy may have. Literature and English as his favorite subject is a one point bonus as to why he is his favorite professor.

"What's all this nonsense? Your professors have been mentioning to me about this class being noisy without me around, first thing in the morning. You're freshmen for Prime's sake, you should be setting a good example"

Sitting back and watching free entertainment in front of him is also an amusing part. The English teacher scolded the class for what seems like forever. Several students winced at the loud and deep voice the Warden used to yell at, half of them ducked their heads low in shame and regret. Tommy's lips quirked. Too bad Ranboo and Tubbo missed out on this. Wonder where they are? The professor then introduced the new students, curled a brow up to his students, giving away a warning look to not do anything again similar to the first time. The whole class' attention was directed to the famous six the entire time, Tommy himself, curious as to what they're going to say.

"Good morning, I am Wisp Exe from the Antarctic Empire States. I like learning robotics and maybe build one in the future? Thank you" What left unsaid was that he is basically a royalty in the empire he lives in.

It took ten to fifteen minutes to move on to the actual lessons, considering the professor needs to discuss the school dynamics, instructions, rules and past lesson titles for them to read, study and catch up on after school which Purpled needs to hold back a groan. Not from a couple things they have to do in the start of the class that's assigned only for them but for that exact reminder the six memorized before they came in. Drista WasTaken, daughter of Puffy WasTaken has the privilege to know things beforehand due to the reason her mother is the owner and principal of her own university. The six even studied the past lessons of their subject the past month! They don't need to be reminded ten times for that matter.

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