Poetry 87: Open Windows

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          These windows breathe
          my lies to suffocate;
          what's dried my temperature
          to love what's aged;
          maybe to remember,
          replenish a scar,
          unsweetened nor bitter
          when hearts do apart;
          do close, better open;
          forbidden by choice,
          of hurts involuntary
          do ripen by noise;
          within captivity
          for time ever doubts,
          where opened these windows
          do rain all my clouds;

          pride may they shade,
          heal may they shine,
          opened are my windows,
          burnt, do I smile;
          for what's this religion
          prayed by and praised,
          honored to dishonor,
          no warrior has raised;
          but mere penetration
          of diseases denied,
          breaking through my glass,
          my windows defied;
          maybe closed to believe
          to close all beliefs,
          to cry corronations
          of tears I relieved.

Poetry, Poetry, PoetryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora