Poetry 80: Past, Alone

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          All my past, alone
          on haunted alleys,
          I tried running blue
          while pain in absence;
          for coldness unwrapped
          my paper walls,
          to close my doors,
          rotate my halls,
          where there precedes
          only a promise,
          found guilt before
          a justice' notice;
          what cruel home
          on empty stakes
          afraid of healing,
          never on breaks;

          still 'lone, my past;
          on gloom horizon
          'least there a sight
          this heated winter,
          yet, lonely the steps;
          deepened the footprints;
          no depth it reaches
          or secrets on bloodstains,
          poor little escape;
          of innocent cowardry,
          this purity of a fear,
          what wasted artistry;
          keep footsteps a pace
          no further than relief,
          or shortcuts for seconds,
          nor endings to believe.

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