Chapter 5

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  "So YoUr ThE nEw GuY?" Error asked. "Yeah, my name is X, this," I gestured to Chara, who made himself visible, "is Chara. I'm sorry in advance for what ever he may do." "I thought your name was Cross?" "HOW DARE YOU ASSUME SOMETHING YOU LAZY BONES! I SHOULD BEAT YOU DOWN HERE AND NOW!" Dust flinched. "It's fine Papyrus!" "BUT-" "Really, it's fine. My name did used to be Cross before I changed it to X. So Cross is my dead name. He probably just heard Ink call me Cross is all!" "WELL IF YOU ARE SURE." "I am."

That seemed to calm Papyrus down, and made Dust detense. Dust was giving me a look that I couldn't figure out though. "What did.... You mean.... About Ink...?" "Ink found X and I in our AU and visited almost everyday. He's supposed to be gone for a week when X accepted the deal Nightmare offered a week prior. Ink was possessive and Toxic." Well looks like Chara is taking control again. Horror and Error continued to question Chara along with Dust. Killer came over to me and decided to have a chat with me.

"So how did you meet Boss, little rookie?" "Well I realised I was being watched for about a month before he came out of hiding after Ink left and offered me a deal. A week later and some questions and here I am...." "Really? That's it?" "Yeah, why? Did u expect it to be more dramatic or something?" "Yep. See little rookie, everyone who Boss has taken in tried to fight at first." "Wait, really?" "Yep! Now come on, I'll give you a tour rookie!" Killer them proceeded to drag me around giving me a tour.

Chara ended up joining in, refusing to leave me alone here. Honestly it made me feel better, to know that I'm not alone in a strange new place. At the end of the tour Killer show's us were our room was gonna be. Killer ended up giving us a 'bedtime', witch was 10:00pm. Well, he made it my bedtime. Chara doesn't need to sleep, he just likes to sleep. But that doesn't mean Chara isn't upset at being given a 'bedtime'.

So, Chara teleported away, and 20 minutes later Killer is at my door, with a very smug Chara. Killer was dripping wet with water.... "Really Chara?" I was fighting my smile, they could both tell. "I'm not about to have a stranger give me a bedtime." Both Killer and I snorted at that. "Hate to say this kid, but until little rookie here turns 18, I'm technically your legal Gaurdian, so what I say goes." "Guardian?" "Yeah, legal guardian?" "We have never had those before. X or I. Do I think your lying." Killer seemed surprised.

While it is true that Chara and I have never had a legal Gaurdian, even when I, or Cross, lived different lives, we never had legal guardians. I'm sure I did at some point before I became Cross, or as I'm now known as, 'X', but I can't remember it. "Your sure you two have never had any legal guardian?" "Nope" "I'm sure." "I'm, gonna need to talk with Boss, you both go get something to eat." "Okay....?" Then Killer left. We shrugged and went and got some food. Everyone-Nightmare, Sci and Killer were in the living room, so Chara and I just kinda talked while I made us some food.

"Do you know what a legal guardian is supposed to be?" "Not really? I mean their supposed to take care of your needs I think?" "So Killer says he is supposed to be our guardian, does that mean he's supposed to take care of us?" "I don't know, Chara. I really don't. I can't remember ever having one." "Well then Killer is probably lying." "I don't think so... We never had a normal childhood. A legal guardian? I think they exist. Mabey Gaster was supposed to be our Legal guardian? "Mabey. But how would you have a legal guardian? You were litterly created in a lab from what you told me." "I still have ID and citizenship though."

We just chatted back and forth, wondering what a legal guardian was, who ours could have been, and how I would have had one. It wasn't untill I was done cooking that Chara and I realized we had an audience. Apparently Boss and Killer finished their talk and came to check up on us. "So you two honestly dont know what a legal guardian is?" "Nope. We think Gaster was supposed to be our legal guardian? Otherwise we have no clue. And Gaster was abusive and an Ass-hat so...."

"I see. Well you are to do everything Killer tell's you to do. I will add this to your lessons." "Why the hell do I have to listen to him?!?!" "Because you are X's ghost. While I normally have the Ghosts person act as their guardian and deal with them, you are both so far behind on knowing common things that X is not fit to deal with handling you." "I can take care of myself and X just fine!" "You are a child." "I'm not about to let some stranger boss X around!" "Look Chara, X may put up with you dictating what they do-" what? Chara doesn't dictate what I do- "I don't dictate what X does! But I'm not about to let some stranger tell him what to do! For all I know he could turn out worse then Ink or Gaster!"

After that came out of his mouth, understanding seemed to enter Nightmares eyes. "I understand that you may not trust Killer, or Dust, or even Me. However X is part of my group, and we take care of our own. We would not purposely harm one of our own. If it makes you feel better, if Killer ever does something to harm X you may tell me and I will deal with him myself." Chara seemed to consider it. 'What do you think?' 'Huh?' 'Well he would also be your legal Gaurdian so...' 'Chara it's up to you. I know you just want what's best for me. If you think you can try to trust them then go ahead.' "Fine. But if he messes up 3 times we then we don't get anymore guardians."

"I will agree to that. However you can not try to get him in trouble for doing his Job." "Alright" "Can we eat now or-" cause I'm hungry. "Yes you can. I'll leave you guys to talk" then boss left. Chara and I made our plates, with Killer making his own. I made grilled cheese, and there ended up being extra. Killer took the extras out to the livingroom, Chara and I followed, having finished eating before Killer grabbed the extra. He handed the Extra's to Horror, who devoured them. "Hey Killer? What time is it anyways?" "10:39pm. You two should be in bed." Chara was getting ready to fight before remembering the deal he made with Nightmare. Chara teleported the both of us to our room where we got ready for bed.

".... X?" "Yeah Chara?" "How do you really feel about all of this?" That was the question wasn't it? But if he's seriously asking... "I'm not sure yet, to be honest. Everyone seems nice at the very least." "What if they end up like Gaster or even Ink?" "They won't. I promise that. And if they do end up like them then we'll deal with it then." "You really don't think they'll end up like them?" "I really don't." After that we went to bed. Things are starting to look up.... Hope things stay this way.

Chapter 5! Thoughts?

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