Chapter Seven: Matthew 11:28

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Mr Jefferson was rudely interrupted by a boy with a rougher voice as he shouted at everybody in the room. "YO! Some crazy shit is going down at the dorm! Check it!" 

"Zachary, do not come into my class like that ever again!" 

Suddenly, a boy appeared in their class with news of something occurring at the dormitory. Everybody then proceeded to exit the classroom much to Mr Jefferson's ordering them to remain seated, but he quickly realised it all became hopeless and acknowledged their class dismissed early. In the pouring rain, everyone gathered outside the dormitory where they witnessed a shocking scene. 

Kate Marsh was going to jump off the roof and kill herself. 

She had her back to the crowd on the ground as she was involved in a heated argument with somebody hidden from sight. When Max caught Kate standing dangerously in the ledge of the roof, she knew she had to get up there and stop Kate before she killed herself. By reversing a few minutes, Max bought herself a bit of time to reach the the roof where she found (Y/n) attempting to calm her down and talk her away from the ledge. 

"Don't come near me, (Y/n)! Seriously, don't come near me. I will jump!" Kate threatened with a trembling voice. 

"Will you just listen to me?!" (Y/n) yelled. 

"NO! I saw everything, (Y/n). I should've known you'd turn on me - just like everyone else has." 

"You don't even know the whole story! Just step away from the ledge so I can explain everything. Please, Kate. Don't do this..." 

"I'm living a nightmare and I can't wake up. I think it's better if I put myself to sleep for good." 


"You should have thought about that when you betrayed me, (Y/n)."


Then, she jumped. 

The audience gasped and cried when they saw Kate's body fly towards thee ground. Max couldn't bear to allow this to happen so she rewound time again but only to an extent where her head began to ache and blood ran down her nose. Kate was back on the roof with her back to Max and (Y/n) as their presence provoked Kate even more to want to jump. 

"What are you doing here, Max? Stop! Don't either of you dare come near me. I'm serious. I will jump!" Kate cried hysterically as the rain mixed with her tears. 

"Okay, okay. I'm right here. Kate, please..." 

"Oh, Max. I know you want to help me. I love that you stepped up to David, but it doesn't matter now. Nothing matters. Life has shown me nothing is worth living for. Not for family, not for friends... and not even for love." 

(Y/n)'s heart cracked at her words as if he'd been cut by a sharp, burning knife. 

"You matter. And not just to me or (Y/n)." Max argued. 

"I do want to believe that." 

"Kate, your life is still yours. And we can help get through this together. Let me help." 

Kate smiled weakly at Max but pointed accusingly at (Y/n). "I'm glad to hear you worry about me. That makes me feel better. But it can't excuse what he did to me!" 

"What even happened yesterday? Victoria and Taylor said that you caught (Y/n) kissing Victoria." 

It hurt Kate to have to keep bringing it up but if she were to find solace, she had to go through it again and again. 

"Well, (Y/n) and I just got back from the lighthouse after our date. We went to my dorm but he said he wanted to go get something, and after a bit I went to go look for him." Kate answered with a heartbroken voice as she stared the brown-haired boy with hatred laced in her eyes. "But instead I found him locking lips with Victoria. He told me she came onto him, but after what I saw, I can't trust him ever again." 

"Kate, I told you numerous times, she backed me against the wall and kissed me!" (Y/n) argued. "I would never do that to you! I poured my heart out to you, and now you just want to throw it all away when you won't even give me a chance to explain myself! All I wanted was to show you my photographs. That's why I ran back to my dorm. But I ran into Victoria when I hit the corner too sharply and all my photos scattered. She saw them and she started hitting on me and I couldn't do anything to stop her. Even if I did, she would've told the school that I harassed her or something. But this... this is not what I wanted. To hurt you was something I never want to do because I love you, Kate!" 

Both girls were shocked at his confession as they stood in the rain. (Y/n) bowed his head so his chin was touching his chest, his fists clenched as he fell on his knees and then planted his hands on the wet floor. The resistance he put up in trying not to break down was commendable, but (Y/n) just couldn't hold it back anymore and sobbed. 

"Please, Kate... please. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." 

"You... you love me?" 

(Y/n) sobbed hysterically as he looked up at her with red, teary eyes. "YES, I LOVE YOU! Just please come down from there!" 

Conflict within Kate made her question jumping. She could see it as clear as day that (Y/n) still had feelings for her and nobody wouldn't go to such lengths if they were just using her. Kate's hazel eyes lingered on (Y/n) while Max still called for her to come down from the ledge and take her hand. Kate wanted to reach out and all she had to do was hold tightly. 

Her hand subconsciously reached out for Max's as her body began to lean towards her and away from her demons when she stumbled and collapsed to the ground where Max caught her and hugged her before (Y/n) joined them. Max watched on as he and Kate went to hug one another, much to her relief. Still in arm's reach, (Y/n) and Kate stared into each other's eyes. 

"I swear to you Kate, I don't like Victoria like that. I only have feelings for you. Only you." (Y/n) whispered with a trembling tone. 

Kate sniffled and cracked a smile. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you, (Y/n). You're my one and only. I, I feel relieved to hear that you love me. I'm so glad I got you." 

"Just please, please, please, don't ever pull that shit again." 

"I promise." 

(Y/n) chuckled. "Now I know why Garfield hates Mondays." 

The two girls chuckled at his comment which lifted the tensity in the air. (Y/n) grabbed Kate and lifted them both up to their feet before making their way down with Max right behind them. Sirens wailed nearby, indicating that paramedics had been called onto the scene. (Y/n), Kate and Max were seen and photographed leaving the dormitory building. Max and (Y/n) weren't permitted to enter the ambulance except Kate and the medics who took her off to hospital. 

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