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Jennifer and Emily woke up. They both enjoyed the feeling of waking up in each others arms but didn't say a word to each other they just grabbed their bags and made their way down to the bus for the first game of the state championship. Emily knew that whatever happened to Jennifer last night was something that she was gonna have to talk to her about it, but for right now she just letting it go.

They arrive at the field and they other team is already there so they make their way into the parking lot, grab their bags and head into the locker rooms to change and get ready for the game. After they are changed and on the field the announcer begins talking knowing that the oath is coming up. After the oath it's time for the coin toss. Emily, Jennifer and Coach make their way up to the center of the field. Emily can sense that Jennifer is nervous, she places her hand at the small of her back. Jennifer melts into the touch and then gives her a look of "thank you".

After the coin toss the game was set to begin, the ball wasn't staying on one side of the field they all were constantly moving. They had some strong defense, but that didn't stop them. Our team ended up beating them 2-1 they took this win with pride. After the high fives and good games they made it back into the locker room.

"I'm just glad we didn't get out at the first game." Lola said laughing

"Damn straight." Monica said smiling.

All the girls got more and more excited until it died down and they grabbed their bags and made their back to the bus. Coach took them out to dinner, they all enjoyed the fairly large plates of pasta and then the giant ice cream Sunday that the girls all shared. After we were done eating we made our way back too the bus. Coach was giving his "Im gonna make a speech look." We all stood their and smiled waiting for him to talk.

"Good game girls, that's what I wanted to see you guys didn't give up once. I didn't see one once of doubt. Keep this up and we're gonna win all the games." After that we put are hands in and screamed 1-0. Indicating that we have one the first game of the state championship. We made our way to the bus, and back to the hotel. We had no noise on the bus everyone was exhausted to say the least.

Emily and Jennifer made their way back into the hotel room. "Emily you can shower first." Jennifer said smiling. "No it's okay you can shower first." Emily said as she looked back at Jennifer. Jennifer smiled again and made her way into the bathroom.

While Jennifer was in the shower Emily continued to read her book, she was really enjoying how it was turning out. After about 25 minutes Jennifer made her way out of the bathroom telling Emily she was done. Emily asked Jennifer too turn on a movie before she quickly made her way too the bathroom and showered, she always took less time in the shower then Jennifer.

After Emily is out of the shower she takes a second to collect her thoughts in the bathroom. "I think I'm falling for Jen." she saids quietly so she doesn't hear. She keeps repeating that. The only problem is she doesn't think Jennifer likes her back. She stayed in the bathroom repeating this process for about 15 minutes. Jennifer was starting to get worried.

Emily heard a soft knock at the door. "Are you okay in there." She heard Jennifer's voice from the other side. "Yeah I'll be out in a minuet." Emily heard the blonde's footsteps slowly get further away. Emily pulled herself together then made her way out of the bathroom.

Emily was shocked to see Jennifer sitting up on her bed watching the movie she turned on. Emily didn't recognize it. She made her way over too the bed and layed down next to Jennifer.

"How was your shower." Jennifer asked Emily.

"It was peaceful." Emily said smiling

"That's good" Jennifer said

"How was yours" Emily said asking the same question she was asked before.

"Peaceful as well." Jennifer said coping Emily's answer. She didn't really wanna talk she wanted to watch the movie. After about thirty more minutes had past Emily spoke up this time.


"What's up Em." Jennifer said sounding like she didn't wanna talk.

"Are you okay, I know something happened last night. You don't have to talk about it but I just need to know that you're okay." Emily said.

"Em, I'm okay, but I don't wanna talk about it." She said trying to keep her tears from falling.

"Hey jayje come here."  Emily said.

Jennifer layed her head on Emily's stomach and just cried while Emily told her everything was gonna be okay and played with her hair like old times, they stayed like this for a long time. They both were only thinking about one thing, and that was each other. The same thoughts flowing through both of their heads. Neither of them wanted to say anything, it was like freshman year all over again but they have grown from that point. They are slowly opening up to each other making it easier and easier to understand and know that they need to communicate.

word count: 925

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