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After arriving at the hotel and getting the room keys they made their way up to the third floor. Emily and Jennifer were roomed together once they got in Jennifer claimed the bed closest to the window and left Emily with the bed closest to the bathroom, although Emily didn't mind. They put toiletries in the bathroom and even turned on some music as they sorted their clothes and put them away in the provided dressers. After they were done with that they had some time too kill so they decided to turn down the music, Emily read a book and Jennifer played a game on her computer.

Jennifer stoped Emily's reading to tell her it was time for dinner. The pair made their way into the lobby to find the team then made their way to the private room that was provided for their team dinners. After a delicious dinner with the options of steak,salad,garlic bread,broccoli,corn and fruit cups the whole team was full.

Coach started to speak "Girls look around you, these are the people that you are gonna need to confide in for the next few days like you have been for these past years. You guys also are gonna need to play like you have never played before. That being said their is gonna be collage scouts at games, im not sure which ones but they will be at the games. You guys weather you are a freshman,sophomore,junior, or senior you guys are gonna have all eyes on you. You guys have never let me down before and I know this isn't the time too now but, really girls you are incredible I couldn't ask for a better team."

We all went around giving hugs and thanking coach. We settled back down for some dessert.

"JJ are you ready to be noticed by the scout." Harper said while eating a brownie. 

"Aww thank you Harper but I don't think that the collage scouts are gonna take interest in me, maybe Casey though she's one of the fastest people on the team." Jennifer said looking to Harper and Casey.

"Maybe next year Im only a sophomore I definitely am excited for collage soccer though it seems like such a fun challenge." Casey said Smiling

"I agree with you there, I can't wait to see what collage holds for my soccer career but I'm gonna miss you guys so much." Stephanie said. She and Monica were the oldest ones on the team, even though Monica is coaches daughter he promised us that he would still coach after she had went to collage.

"I think it's gonna open up lots of new doors for us, and hold opportunities that we haven't even thought of yet." Emily said smiling. Jennifer didn't know how strongly Emily felt about going to collage, she definitely would bring that up later.

"I think I speak for everyone here  but I'm gonna miss Monica and Stephanie next year." Janiyah said sadly.

"Definitely one year isn't enough time with them." Anya said agreeing with Janiyah.

"Thank you girls but, this isn't a time to be all sappy. We need to lift our spirits and enjoy the time that we have left with each other." Monica said smiling

"Yes thank you girls, you guys mean so much to us, and we can't wait to watch all of you graduate in the next coming years and see how much you improved and excelled." Stephanie said smiling.

"Alright I think everyone is done with dessert girls, go get a good nights rest and wake up ready to take the day." Coach said dismissing the team.

Me and and Jennifer made our way upstairs, once we got in the room I could tell something was up with Jennifer.

"Hey Jen what's wrong?" Emily asked

She always knows when something is wrong Jennifer thought too herself "Im fine."

"No you're not, what's going on in your pretty little head." Emily asked seriously but softly

Pretty? What if ? No don't make yourself think there's something there again. "I'm freaking out" she said softly

Emily moved near her and pulled her into a hug. "Why are you freaking out?"

"I'm scared that about the scouts that they aren't gonna see me and I'm not gonna get a soccer scholarship and I can't get a scholarship for anything else soccer is my strong suit and if i can't get that what can i do with my life i-."Emily cut Jennifer off by placing her finger over her lips. Jennifer looked down as Emily removed her finger.

"You we're gonna start a sad ramble, but Jennifer look at me." Emily said as she put a finger under her chin and made her eyes meet her own.

"You are amazing. You are Jennifer Jareau. What you said at dinner wasn't true, Casey isn't the fastest on the team you are. You have the longest strides. The best corner kicks. Also not to mention you are the nicest and kindest on the time. Please don't doubt yourself. That collage scout is gonna see you and then forget about everyone else on the team, you Jennifer Jareau are awesome don't ever doubt that. I'm serious." Emily finished her speech.

Jennifer pulled her into a hug. She whispered into her ear "you don't know how much you mean to me, thank you." Jennifer pulled back and just looked at Emily.

"I think we should head to bed." Jennifer said smiling.

"Maybe we should." Emily said smiling back they got into bed and Emily was fast asleep. Jennifer on the other hand couldn't fall asleep for the life of her.

Shortly later she got a call from her mother, she made her way into the bathroom before answering making sure not to wake up Emily. She ended the phone call with her mother in tears. They had found her grandpa dead, earlier that day and her mother had just gotten the news and called Jennifer.

Jennifer wanted one thing right now. That was to be held by Emily. She was asleep though she contemplated for a minute and decided to wake Emily up and ask her.

"Emily" Jennifer said softly, it took a second but Emily replied in her sleepy voice. "Jennifer what's wrong are you okay?"

"Emily can you just hold me for tonight, please" Jennifer asked her so sympathetically.

"Absolutely,come here." Emily said as she pulled the blanket back and made room for Jennifer.

Jennifer softly said "thank you." "Everything is gonna be okay Jen." She felt Jennifer relax more so she took her hand intertwining with her own and rubbed her knuckles.

Emily didn't go back to asleep until she felt Jennifer's heart rate settle down and her breathing slow down indicating that she was asleep. She tightened her grip around Jennifer like she never wanted to let go then finally found herself falling asleep to the sounds of Jennifer's breathing.

Word count:  1,165

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