Chapter Two: Do You Want to Hang Out?

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Instead, I found myself cradling a picture of her and crying for the second time that day. I woke up the next morning in the same position.

Once again, I dragged myself off the floor. The hot water helped relax my tense muscles. As a result, I spent a little longer than planned in the shower, barely having time to braid my hair and dab on cover-up before running to school. My butt barely hit the seat before the late bell rang.

At the very least, I was glad to have some energy pumping through me today. I couldn't stop my eyes from scanning the room. I also couldn't stop my disappointment when I noticed Dillon wasn't here. At the same time, I felt tense if he wasn't here; he might be attacking a mermaid.

I didn't want to think negatively, but I couldn't help myself. It was the reality of the situation. Dillion; was born to kill people like me; he couldn't help it, just like I couldn't help the fact that I was a mermaid. Without Dillon in homeroom, I had no one to talk to. The silence was deafening.

Maybe I would hang out with my friends when school was over. Having a plan always puts me in a better mood. My mood brightened even more when I walked out of homeroom to see Dilon leaning against the lockers across the hall. It only lasted for a moment. I watched as another girl from my grade, that I vaguely recognized, walked up to him.

I couldn't stop the jealousy from swirling inside of me as he smiled at her. I walked away when I saw they hugged, not wanting to witness anymore. I should have known I was just someone to talk to in homeroom.

I poured all of my negative and conflicting feelings into my writing project since we were working on it in class. My pencil couldn't move fast enough. I had never felt this way before. I had no right to feel the way I was.

Maybe it was better off this way. I could easily use it as an excuse to push Dillon from my life without him getting too suspicious. Then all I'd have to worry about was avoiding him. It shouldn't be too hard since I only have to see him seven minutes a day.

I took a deep breath when the bell rang, barely glancing at the people I passed as I headed to my next class. I guarantee I wouldn't see them again anyway. Soon it could just be me and the open sea; all my problems left on the land.

I made it out of school without seeing Dillon. Just as I was about to sigh in relief, I heard footsteps behind me.

"Kye, wait up."

My friends all stopped and watched as I tried to figure out the right thing to do.

I settled on stopping but not turning around. Dillon didn't take my hint and just walked around me. I just stared at him.

"Hey, I've been trying to talk to you all day, but you seemed pretty zoned out. every time I tried to say something to you, you just kept walking."

"Sorry," I couldn't help but mumble.

I didn't really mean it, but I did feel pretty bad I hadn't even noticed him trying to talk to me.

"Can I get your number?"


I quickly gave him the number before smiling at him, about to head off with my friends.

"Kye, wait, do you want to meet at Seaside Park around five and hang out for a bit?"

I turned back around to see Dillon standing there, looking at me earnestly. "Ok, I'll see you then."

I barely got a few feet away from Dillon when my friends Maddie, Cierra, and Hope started teasing me.

Saying things like

"He likes you."

"He loves you."

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