Chapter One: The Mermaid Hunter Notices The Mermaid

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Hunters and prey are a balance. One can not survive without the other. Sometimes there's a glitch, and occasionally, natural enemies become friends or even more. Lines that define us are crossed, and we lose ourselves in passion. It can bring us closer to death or change us completely.

The night wind was calm as it brushed past my skin. The sand slipped between my toes. Checking one last time, I confirmed I was alone. In one swift movement, my legs were fully submerged in the water. With a crack, my legs transfigured into a tail. I was back in my natural home. A swim through the ocean was the easiest way to relax my mermaid soul. But I didn't have long to take comfort in the fact that I could be free once again. I was running out of time, and I had to get back home.

It was past midnight when my legs returned, completely dry. The beach was still empty, the moon high in the sky. This was the last night of summer. My freedom was gone. It was back to acting like I was allergic to water so that no one would ever find out my secret. The risk of getting caught by a mermaid hunter was too high. Dillon Yusei, one of the more well-known guys at Seaside High School, came from a long line of mermaid hunters. The trident tattoo on his left shoulder was proof enough that he inherited those particular genes. Tomorrow would be the start of my senior year. One hundred and eighty days left for me to go undetected. After that, I was free to live in the ocean full-time if I wanted to.

The crowded hallway consumed me as I searched for my new homeroom; room 216 was down the left corridor, also referred to as the senior hallway. The floors were barely scuffed up, the air was fresh, and the windows were open every few feet. Underclassmen weren't allowed here, but every year one of them tried anyway. Thankfully this area of the school was less crowded due to a large number of people in our class that dropped out or moved.

I found room 216 with a minute to spare. I walked in only to find the trident tattoo staring back at me. Silently I drew in a sharp breath but kept walking. If Dillon realized I reacted to his tattoo in any negative way, I would be one of his suspects. In the four years since I met him, I managed to stay under his radar.

When I first saw Dillon, I was charmed by his dark brown wavy hair, blue eyes, and muscular build. It didn't help that I had just reached my mermaid's maturity, meaning I could transform now, and a sea shell tattoo appeared on my hip. Pointing him out to my friends, I learned his name for the first time, Dillon Yusei. I knew I couldn't be with him; the Yusei's were well-known mermaid hunters. But I still dreamt of him and hoped that it wasn't true. A year and a half later, I had my first glimpse at his tattoo. I knew my fantasy couldn't continue; he had reached maturity and could start hunting at any time. Neither of us got a choice in our tattoos, but only one of us got to proudly show it off.

I couldn't stop my heart from racing, seeing him up close for the first time in three years. He had grown since freshman year, putting on muscle and losing his baby face. As I headed towards my seat, I noticed Dillon turn his head and smile in my direction. I couldn't help the smile that took over my face. All I could do was control it from spreading too wide. I didn't want him to think I was interested. I needed to seem polite and unaffected by him but keep my distance.

I sat down as he stood up, dismissing his friends to walk towards me. Pretending to be interested in my nails, I peered at him through my lashes. I watched as he took the seat next to me. I could feel my cheeks heat up without my consent. Waiting until he spoke before looking at him. His voice was deeper than I expected and laced with a seductive quality. I could barely conceal the shivers running down my spine. Was it fear I was feeling or just lust? It was just a simple 'I'm Dillon, you are?' but it was the moment I had been dreaming of for four years.

"I'm Kye," I replied, coolly watching his eyes wander my face. I nervously fixed the end of my tank top, making sure my seashell tattoo was covered entirely. I fiddled with the ends of my shorts after just to keep my hands occupied. I didn't want him to notice how they shook. I didn't think that was a normal reaction to have over a hot guy, but I could be wrong.

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