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I don't know how to explain something which you can't even think about for a staight minute and i don't think that i am even capable of thinking of all that even for a second. It makes me feel disgusting.
It makes me want to scream and go numb at the same time. I feel like my nerves will explode, they'll come out of my body and my brain will blast and I'll see everything happening in front of my eyes. I haven't looked at myself properly in a long time.
Whenever I used to get panic attacks in school nobody really helped me, i tried asking for help once or twice but they made fun of me and said that i do it all intentionally for sympathy and attention, do hell with your attention. Swear on my life after that i never really said a word. Never cried or atleast not in front of anyone. Yeah well life can be cruel sometimes, actually in my case most of the times but you gotta deal with it...i even tried to drag my soul out my body aka death but end up in hospital bed surrounded by machines and wrapped in wires... that was more horrible honestly. I wasn't able to move my right hand properly, lack of blood did that to me and unfortunately my mother and i share the same blood group so she gave some to me and said "I hope you won't waste my blood next time". That sounds so casual, no she took me to the psychiatrist after that. She was terrified, truly scared to loose her daughter, i saw that when i saw her crying after that.
"Alina, are you listening to me?" I heard a manly voice

I almost forgot that he exists!

"Huh, yeah yeah" i said fumbling with words

"You okay?" He asked concerned

"Yeah yeah" i said shaking my head up and down

"So tell me" he asked looking at the road

And i suddenly realised that he is not driving, we are not moving anymore...we are in the middle of nowhere.

"Why aren't we moving?" I asked confused

"You were crying, i got scared" he said in concerned voice

"Umm yeah, a bad dream i guess" i said "how long will It take us to reach?" I asked just to finish this topic

"Umm" he said while giving the race

"45 sure you okay?" I asked while looking at road and finally starting the car

I took a long breath and said "yes, i am"


Just some more time then I will meet the person who is responsible for majority of the problems in my life right now. I am not anxious, i am just angry...i don't wanna look at him..i know i know...i said that he is my father n all stuff but sorry i can't feel it. I just want to treat him the way he is treating me...i am somone who is a liability to him and soon he will get rid of me too and that's why I want to meet him.

"Don't think too much just be here in the moment" i heard him saying calmly while I am just looking at the side road trees...

"I am in the moment" i said mimicking the last part
And i got a chuckle in return. I like it...

It feels heavenly, i haven't felt this in a long time!
And there I was smiling again..i never felt this way
Even for a mere minute I forgot all the miseries of my life because he is beside me...just there in a mere distance.

When we parked around the big felt like we are going to meet the president or someone like...
It was huge even the gates were huge. Entering the place we drived for another minute on a beautiful road covered with trees having pink and white flowers and oh boy...was that beautiful!

Sitting in the car and looking at the big mansion..i can feel the anxiety growing in my chest, i can feel the waves of mixed emotions. I don't know how to act, i will meet him after a long time..i will meet him because I am just a liability to him...i will meet him Because someone wants to use me as a bait for him.

Sensing my discomfort Vincent holds my hands and give it a light press like telling me he will be there just behind me. I looked at him...his eyes those deep brown eyes...i felt the comfort he wants me to feel there..i can't look away now. Okay enough i am getting out of this car because then i'll do some sins that i won't be sorry for. Move alina...i slightly gave him a nod and opened the door...he suddenly gets out of the car and moving to side he hold the door open for me. And with a small thankyou nod i moved pass him and stands still just there.

Sensing his presence behind me i tried to move but it feels like i am frozen...i can't move.

"It will be fine" he said from behind me
I took a long breath and walked to the door, Vincent pushed the door open for me and we get in.

This mansion is huge and doubt my father is a wealthy man, although I never had doubts because he used to send expensive gifts on my birthday sometimes. Anyways Who doesn't want this much of money and lifestyle, i guess everyone.
Moving inside the mansion...i didn't saw anyone.

He lives alone, no chance...he must've married again.

Yeah my mother was his second wife... sorry did I forgot to mention?? Okay here... my mother Fernanda met my father hector at a club. Both were there with their friends and they clicked, atleast that's what mom told me and the rest is the history.

"Why no one's here?" I asked

"I don't know, lemme check" he said

"No, what if someone will kill me here?" I said actually panicking now

"This place is safe, I'll just come" and then i saw him fading away in a hallway

"Umm hello, is someone's here?" I asked a little loudly

Nop, no response

"Umm, hi i am alina here?" Tried listening if someone is saying something


"Umm hey...." I stopped mid sentence when i saw Vincent coming my way literally running and he looks terrified

"What happened?" I asked

"You father....alina he is dead" he said breathing heavily

I saw the mansion spinning in front of my eyes
And then everything was pure black.


Had a busy week with my College and other stuff. Will surely update the next chapters soon. Till then happy reading!!! ♥️

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