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Vincent's pov

I know it's very difficult for her to accept all this but I'll make sure to protect her. She is so fragile at heart and so innocent, when her father first appointed me for this work i was unsure about it, i didn't wanted to be someone's bodyguard but i am doing it anyways, money can make you do anything against your will.

When her father Mr. Smith showed me her picture something in me said yes and i am still not sure what, but there was something that made me wanted to protect her. Watching her crying in the car yesterday broke my heart but it was important, her safety is important. I know she is scared of everything right now but I'll make sure nothing happens to her. Being deep in my thoughts i heard screams, i quickly got alert and head straight towards her room with my glock in my hands....getting near to her room, i can also hear her saying something "please let me go", what the heck!!! Who is inviting their death by touching and hurting alina, i opened the door and there was no one. she is still sleeping but crying and screaming.

I tried to call her name twice but no clue of her getting up anytime soon, so making my way to her bed side and i tried to shake her. She immediately got up, an expression of terror on her face and she suddenly hugged me. She is scared, i can listen her freakin heartbeat. What was she dreaming about.
Rubbing her on the back i tried to make her feel calm and safe. After breaking the hug, i saw regret on her face but still scared....i understand.
When she asked me if I can sleep in her room, i wasn't sure if she thinks that someone's gonna kill her because I am not letting any motherfucker come near her ever. And then i watch her drifting off to sleep.
She looks so peaceful when she sleeps even when she was sleeping in car, i didn't wanted to wake her up but i had to, but I don't like watching her crying to sleep. It makes her face look tensed. I'll make sure to tell her that she is safe with me. I noted that in my brain.

Waking up in the morning i saw her beautiful face, she is still sleeping peacefully. I just hope all her pain goes away. She deserves to be happy, she deserves to smile. Getting up i made my way to my room and started getting ready. It was still early but i have some work to do and some people to hurt or maybe I'll just kill them, anyways we'll see.
Locking her in the apartment, i left a note for her on the side table of her bed and some on the fridge. Maybe I'll be back before the time she wakes up. No one knows she is here and it's a good thing, no one will even try to check in there then.
Heading to the warehouse, i saw him, bruised badly, i like it tho he deserves this....
"Mr. Alexander, how are you feeling now?" I asked him trying to make a conversation, you know good people things.
He gave a look and ignored what i said.
Giving him a good slap around his face i Tried again, you know good people things.
"So let's try this again, okay? How are you feeling Alexander?"
"I am fine" he said lowly.
"Are you scared Alexander?"
"No" he growled
"Ohh no" i said making eye contact with him "you gave a wrong answer mr. Alexander, because you are scared, i can see that in your eyes"
"What do you want from me?" He said pleading
"Okay you wanna play this straight, tell me who sent you here, tell me how were you planning to kidnap her and what is the purpose behind all this?"
"I don't know Vincent, i already told you"
"See now you are pissing me off, either you will be answering these questions or i'll start cutting your body inch by inch, what you say?"
"Please leave me, i have no information"
"Please Vincent"
"Okay okay, I'll tell you everything, just don't kill me"
"Good, now we are talking, start"
"You know who she is, the daughter of the biggest mafia Leader and that's why Jack wants her, so that he can rule the mafia, yes Jackson sent me here and he wants her" he said "that's all I......
I shot him in the head, it boiled my blood to think about someone else touching her or using her for their bloody sakes. I'll kill Jack and show him what happens when you play with fire, you burn.

I am coming for you jackson!!!


When i came back home, i saw her sitting on the couch watching something on TV, she looks calm, I guess this is the right time to talk to her.
"Hey, did you sleep well?"
She saw me and smiled brightly that means she did.
"Yes, thankyou"
"I am always happy to help, would like to tell me what would you like to eat?"
"Where did you go?"
"Walmart, why?"
"Ohh to your answer, i already made us breakfast, it's in the fridge. Thank me later"
I smiled at the thought of her making breakfast,
I made my way towards the couch and sat down with her.
"After all this end, will I still be safe?"
"Probably not"
"Where will i go?"
"You will be living with your father"
She looked sad "but i want to live a normal life like everyone"
"I know, but i feel this is your fate and you should gracefully accept it"
"You think I can?"
"Sure you can, look at you, you are so strong Ms, Cortez"

She giggled at that and i felt butterflies in my stomach

"Can you teach me how to fight?" She looked at me with hope
My eyes widened "umm sure but why?"
"Because I want to die fighting, i don't want myself to give up before the war ends"
"You listen to me Ms. Cortez, first of all you are not going to die anytime soon, second i will teach you everything you need to learn" i said pointing finger to her nose

That made her smile but suddenly that fade away, i can see the pain in her eyes, there she is thinking again, what is she thinking about?
Then i tried to make her smile and started tickling her, that made her smile brightly and she suddenly got up from the couch and ran to her room giggling.

I head towards the fridge and saw the note on the fridge that I worte "you can have fruits for Breakfast Ms. Cortez" changed into "you can have waffles for breakfast Mr. Vincent ;)" that let out a chuckle from me!
And then i heard a shot
From. Her. Room.


Is she is in danger? What will Vincent do if something has happened to her? Find that out in the next chapter, see you there.

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