Chapter 6: Blueberry Soda

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As we walked in silence, all I could see was Kageyama's back as the wind rustled his shiny black hair. I looked around desperately to find something to talk about. My attention was caught by a tall, peach-colored vending machine sitting across the street. I walked over to the machine, and saw that it was filled with all sorts of refreshing looking drinks. One in particular stuck out to me though; a blueberry soda.

This used to be Kageyama's favorite. I wonder if he still likes it now? Maybe I'll bring him one. That should at least get some conversation going. How he would react though? Would he be grateful? Quiet? My stomach was in knots. What if he doesn't like it? I don't know why, but I felt really nervous at the thought of giving it to him.

Ah, get a hold of yourself, Y/n! It's just a drink. It'll be fine. I gave myself a slap on the checks in an attempt to rev myself up. Kageyama's voice suddenly echoed from across the street.

"Oi, Y/n! You can't just wander off like that! I thought you might've gotten lost!"

"Ok, ok, I'm coming! You sound like a mom again." I retorted, while I pressed the button on the machine. Drink in hand, I happily walked back to where he stood.

"Where did you go? I was worried about you!" He scolded. I held the can out to him, and glanced up at him through my lashes.

"Sorry for worrying you. As an apology I got you your favorite blueberry soda, just like old times!" He reached out and grasped it from my hand, and I felt our fingers brush against each other. I sensed he felt it too. He didn't immediately pull away like I assumed he would, but instead his touch lingered longer.

"Thank you, Y/n" the corners of his mouth lifted slightly and formed a type of smile I hadn't seen in a long time. Suddenly, he turned away as if nothing happened and continued on our walk home. Still dumbfounded, I quickly caught up next to him. Time seemed to fly by as we kept walking. Before I knew it, we had already reached back home. I looked down to see Kageyama's hand gently holding mine.

When did that happen? I don't remember reaching for his hand... it just happened so naturally that I didn't even notice.

Soft Painted Skies (KageyamaxReaderxTsukishima)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang