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[third pov]

after a whole week of missions. [y/n] decided to rest at the butterfly estate. He yawned as he walked through the butterfly estate halls. He was so tired to even look where he was going. until he bumped into someone.

" HEY! can't you see where you're going?--" Aoi hissed at the person who bumped her to realize it's [y/n] " Ah it's you! I'm very sorry for yelling " she bowed with a guilty smile.
" It's alright, I just want to rest. my whole body hurts.." [y/n] muttered.

" I see I'm currently busy at the moment but you could rest in the Infirmary room," Aoi said, putting a hand on her hip and pointing to the direction of the room with her other hand. 

[Y/n] muttered a thank you and stumbled through the halls to find the correct room. When [y/n] finally found the infirmary room. He fell to the closest bed near him and fell asleep instantly. 


Loud screaming woke the [h/c] haired boy from his deep slumber. [Y/n] eyes glanced at the commotion that was happening. A yellow-haired mop head was crying his heart out. " WHAT HAPPENED TO MY ARMS WHY ARE THEY TINY " the weeping boy yelled waving his tiny arms around. All [y/n] did was stare blankly at the crying boy. Rubbing his eyes to make sure he's not dreaming.

[Y/n] got fed up with his weeping, " HEY CAN YOU SHUT UP SOMEONE IS TRYING TO SLEEP HERE! " he shouted startling the yellow-headed boy.

 " AHHHH " the crybaby cried out, nearly falling off his bed. Suddenly, the door opened forcefully revealing an angry Aoi. The strong sound of the door surprised the blond boy again, making him screech in the process.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE" Aoi angrily shouted. Holding a bag of medicine.

" Can you make him shut up? I'm trying to sleep " [y/n] huffed crossing his arms.  

" MY HANDS WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM " the blond boy cried out ignoring what the [h/c] haired boy said. Aoi sighed trying to process what was happening.

Walking up to the boy she shoved the medicine to his face  " Here, you will take these meds 5 times a day for 3 months. your hands are tiny because you got poisoned by a demon in your recent mission" Aoi explained. The blondie's face became full of horror recalling what happened in his recent mission. He grabbed the meds and gulped it down but quickly spat it out on Aoi, grossed out by the taste. " IT TASTES SO BITTER " he cried out.

[Y/n] watched the scene unfold in front of him with a blank face 

" What a pain in the ass, " he muttered through his teeth. 

" I HEARD THAT " the blond boy hissed. [Y/n] started at him confused

' How the hell did he hear that? I'm sure I didn't say it out loud ' he thought, eyeing the blond crybaby. Aoi left to clean herself and get more meds leaving the two boys alone together.

" I'm [L/n] [Y/n], who are you? " [y/n] introduced himself. Hoping to calm down the crying boy. The boy sniffled " I'm Agatsuma Zenitsu, " he let out, blowing his nose with his sleeve. 

[Y/n] shivered in disgust.
" Are you always this annoying?" He blurted out not realizing what he said. Zenitsu looked at him in disbelief.
" WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT " he screeched making the [h/c] haired boy cringe at how loud he is.

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