Bonnie & Clyde

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                           ~THE NEXT DAY~


Tupac: "Liyah, girl you almost done with that high school emergency slip thing ?"

"Yeah you would think that the high school that I go to everyday would know my phone number ?"

Tupac: "Aye, lookin good, lookin good, lookin- hmmmm"
"Hmm ? What hmm ?

Tupac: "Oh nothing, just a little something I noticed. That in case of emergency contact, you put Teddys phone number when I'm pretty sure you meant to put me, Tupac Shakur as your emergency contact"

"Pac, are you really upset because I pick Teddy over you ?"
Tupac: "Oh, please. I could care less"

"Well technically, you could care less. Because you seems to be caring a lot"

Tupac: "Now you go on and have a great day and eat that lunch I spent a whole hour making just for you. Not Teddy, but me"

I stopped, look at him up and down
"Yeah, I gotta go"



Teddy: "Oh, Aaliyah! You showed up!"

We hugged each other and I looked at the cheerleaders in disgust

"Of course I did! I was so psyched to be here. I cannot wait for some obnoxious mean girls to tell me I'm not peppy enough to be in their squad!"

I made a sarcastic happy face
Teddy: "I am suddenly getting the feeling that you only doing this to please me, and it pleases me"

The cheerleader blew their whistles to get our attention as I was whispering to Teddys ear

"Get ready for the mean girl boutique, and I have a feeling we are the main course"

Cheerleader: "Welcome! Great to be here! That shows a ton of confidence, and that's the one thing a spirit ambassador needs! Our job, is to help empower our team. But not just our team, everyone in the entire school. Heck let's make the world a better place!"

"You see that ? Pure evil"

Cheerleader: "Blades! Buckets! Candlesticks!"
"Hey Teddy, I think I dropped my candlestick do you mind picking it up and hitting me on the head with it ?"
Cheerleader: "You guys are doing great! Now, lets take a short break!"

"But if we take a break, whose gonna make the world a better place ?"
Teddy: "Are you sure your gonna have enough time for cheerleading ? Or being the leader of the sarcasm squad ?"

"Look, Teddy I'm sorry. Okay? I just...I don't get this"
Teddy: "Whats there not to get ? Because I thought this could be something we'd do together"

"What do you mean ? We always together"
Teddy: "Are we ? Aaliyah ?"

I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow preparing myself
Teddy: "When was the last time we had a hot dog-less hot dog ? .....On a stick ! It just seems like lately, I never see you"

"I am so sorry, I did not know you felt like this. I've just been so busy with- you know what ? It doesn't even matter because I'm going to make it up to you right now"

I picked up the poms and did a high kick



I ran to the house phone and called my grandma

Grams: "Hey my grand baby"
"Hey granny, uhm I need some help"
Grams: "What's going on baby ?"

"Okay, so I'm trying out for the cheer team-"
Grams: "That doesn't sound like you"
"I'm doing it for Teddy"

Grams: "Now, that sounds like you. Aaliyah, being a cheerleader is a huge time commitment. And I don't know if you should be juggling so many things. Remember that street performer we saw ? Never should've added that fourth chainsaw"

"Look, I know it's a lot. But it just seems like ever since I'm became a superstar, I always have to..., I never have the time to..."
I sighed and looked down in frustration and stress

"She's my best friend. And I really really don't wanna lose her"
Grams: "Awww I know baby, but there's bad news. It doesn't get easier"

"What kind of pep talk was that ?"
Grams: "Aaliyah, I love you. And I don't want you being a superstar to get in the way of you being a kid. And if you feel like it's too much-"

"No, no I can handle it. I know I can. I guess I just kind, lost myself. Thanks grandma, love you"
Grams: "Love you too, sweet cakes"


I opened the door and let Teddy come in as I vision the back flip I was gonna do

"Teddy, I think I got it. This modified basket toss double back is going to guarantee us a spot on the team....or in the hospital..."

Teddy: "This is too hard ! Ever since I started practicing it's like my skin has been....crying"
"It's called sweat"
Teddy: "It's called gross"

"No, no! Teddy, remember it's fun"
I picked up the poms and did my lil dance

"I've got spirit yes I do, I've got spirit, how bout youuuuu"
Teddy: "I've got back pain, and a creepy feeling of in growing muscles"


                     ~THE NEXT DAY~

I rose up to the phone on the night stand ringing out of control which made me mad because why can't anyone let me sleep ?

"Hello ?"
Tupac: "Hey Babygirl, don't talk listen. We got a tour tonight at 7:30 PM I know you wanna be there for Teddy but just know I support you either way"

I hung up the phone and called my grandma IMMEDIATELY

"Grandma, today is the cheerleading tryouts. I cannot bail on Teddy. Tupac just called me a saying that we gotta your tonight at 7:30"

Grams: "Honey, I told you. It doesn't get any easier. This is the tough decisions you have to make as a superstar"

"But- if I don't go it could ruin our friendship. And if I don't go on this trip, it's a once in a lifetime thing. A lot of stars are gonna be there. UGGHH. Grams why can you just tell me what to do ?!"

Grams: "I can't sweetie. I'll support you in whatever you decide. This is your decision to make"
"Really ? You've been giving me advice for 16 years. And the one time I REALLY need it ya got nothin ?"


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