The villa or bungalow if you will is round and has a full three sixty view of the surroundings so this room has to big sliding doors as the living room, and you can see the beach this way as well along with green shrubbery and palm trees. Smiling seeing them flow in the breeze I make my way around our bed and slowly crawl on and set by my girl. Chuckling I still can't get over how gorgeous and precious she is at the same time just like a doll. Reaching out I rub her stomach watching her little lips suckle an invisible paci as the drool is on her cheek and pillow and I giggle.

Leaning over I kiss her forehead, cheek, neck, and nose saying, "Wakey, wakey baby girl we are in Hawaii hmm." She scrunches up her face in that adorable way and I chuckle again kissing her nose and cheek saying, "Come on baby girl momma has dinner on it's way and it's our first day here don't you want to see the ocean?" watching her scrunch her face up again and squirm and stretch on the bed I smile rubbing her stomach and side as she starts blinking and her eyes start to open. Cooing I watch as she looks around trying to focus and rubs her face as she grumbles out, "S'eep momma!" chuckling I kiss her forehead and cheeks making her smile and yawn as I say, "Oh you have had plenty of sleeps baby just like Kelly hmm and you won't sleep tonight if momma lets you sleep all day."

She purses her lips and yawns before grumbling out, "Momma meanie!" I gasp putting my hand over my heart dramatically saying, "Mean momma huh?!" she giggles so I tickle her sides giving her kiss attack until she squeals out, "S'op momma I sowwy, momma nooo meanie!" giggling I kiss her cheeks and nose once more and scoop her up into my arms holding her as she takes breaths giggling and I chuckle kissing her nose saying, "Apology excepted baby bean." She giggles and snuggles into me yawning as I pat her bottom and back I feel she is wet and I kiss her head bouncing her lightly saying, "Seems momma's baby needs a nappy change hmm baby bean."

She giggles stretching so I kiss her nose and lay her down again to which she whines not liking that so I pat her stomach saying, "Shh baby girl momma is just going to change you hmm and then we will get some yummy food with Kelly yeah." She yawns and nods, so I get the diaper bag and get to work changing her asking, "Is my baby excited to see the ocean hmm?" she giggles patting her hands on the bed nodding as she squeaks out, "Ocean!" chuckling I nod saying, "Yeah baby and sand and maybe we can find some seashells hmm." She giggles and I finish by kissing her little feet and chubby thighs making her giggle more as I fix her sundress. I had dressed her in a white sundress with little purple flowers all over it and matching bloomers this morning along with white ruffled socks and white marry jane sandals. And she just looks so beautiful and adorable.

She kicks her feet and I chuckle putting her shoes back on before kissing her nose making her face scrunch up and giggle out, "Momma tickle!" chuckling I smile and pick her up onto my hip and she lays her head on my should snuggling in as I kiss her forehead asking, "All better baby bean?!" she giggles patting my chest lightly with her cast hand saying, "Love momma!" freezing I take a breath to and lay my head back to not cry as I kiss her head saying, "Momma loves you to baby girl!" she giggles and looks up as I blink holding my tears back as she smiles yawning out, "Lub momma!"

Sighing I hold her closer kissing her head and patting her bottom as I take us back into the living room, sniffling I feel the tears on my cheeks but ignore them just so happy. I know we have only know each other little over a week and just started being mommy and little but just those two words and I am a blubbing mess. She is playing with my braid, and I sniffle just as we get to the table where Kelly has our food, and she spots me freezing and frowns as I shake my head. Sniffling I smile and set us down bouncing Esme and she giggle as I take a breath and wipe my eyes before look back at Kelly saying, "She said she loves me!"

She smiles really big, and I chuckle as Esme pats my chest saying, "Lubs momma, my momma!" both Kelly and I giggle aww and coo as I kiss attack my baby making her squeal and giggle more until I just hold and rock her as Kelly says, "So precious and so freaking cute!" chuckling I sniffle nodding saying, "Even more so day by day." Nodding she smiles and I pat my baby's bottom saying, "Ok baby girl our food is here are you ready for some yummy food hmm?!" she giggles, and I adjust her in my lap so she is facing the table and I watch a prepared Kelly has a bib already ready and puts it on a fussy Esme as we chuckle and she calms down I smile saying, "Thank you dear." she chuckles nodding saying, "Always now let's dig in I am starving!" laughing I nod and kiss my girls head once more as we get to eating our dinner and enjoying small talk.

Tiny Step's (MDLG Story.) Temporarily ON HOLD.Where stories live. Discover now