Chapter 12

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Ding Dong~
Here I COME to find YOU~

3rd's POV

- Typical Library Incident -

"oKaY! LiStEn! It's not that I am short! It's just that!" Taehyung squats a little and points at the person in front of him then screams, "YOU'RE JUST iNhUmaNeLy eNoRmoUs!" Taehyung finishes, glaring at the person with his teeth press together.

The person chuckles, "Unique choice of words to describe a person, Taehyung," The person moves his upper body forward, leveling with Taehyung.

Taehyung's eye twitches violently and barks, "Don't fucking call me by my name..." He pauses for a bit to clench his fists.

"Namjoon!" Taehyung finishes his sentence, glaring intensely at the grinning student.

- minutes ago -

Taehyung wanted to go to the library. But not to read but to have some peace and quiet. The school's library is rarely used; that's why it's always clean and quiet. Students will only come here to have a good fuck and that's it. Taehyung will admit: he feels bad for taking the quietness of the library just to have his peace and quiet and not read the unused books.

"Maybe, I should read for a bit? I really do feel bad for using the library as my sleeping area. Might as well take advantage of this quietness in a different way too?" Taehyung mumbles to himself while scratching the back of his head, causing his puffy hair to get messed up.

He opens the library doors to see it's indeed empty like he hopes too. He did not want to hear some damn annoying moans and groans of people fucking like there is no tomorrow.

"I wanna read something action-y? Maybe with a side of romance? But what should I pick? A gay novel? A straight on—wait, why do I want to read a smexy male making love with a woman. I might just see the girl as another man since my gayass mind is telling me too." Taehyung has a unique habit of talking to himself since he doesn't have much friends, aside from the three chaotic girls.

Besides Taehyung is always alone in school, knowing the fact people won't hang with him because he is "weak."

"Ugh, fuck it. I'll read an action-y book. After watching Attack On Titan, I want to see blood and shit. Now, where the fuck is the section of action stuff," Taehyung asks himself as he reads the board sections.

The moment Taehyung found it, he immediately walks to that section then quickly scans the shelves for a type of book he wants; something that passes his vibe check.

"Watched Maze Runner already," He places the book back then grabs another one. "Watched Shadowhunters already, but Malec for life," He praises the gay ship from this book before placing the book back.

Taehyung steps back for a bit to release a breathe while scanning as he thinks on what he should fucking read. He then sees a book that caught his interest, but the fucking problem is that it's in the top shelf. Taehyung being a shortie, he lets out a small pout of annoyance.

"Fuck my height yet I still love my height," He mumbles.

He moves closer to the shelf as he tippy tip his toes with his arm extended to grab the book. "Okay, I almost got it!" The assassin himself said, encouraging himself but he then said, "I think?" Taehyung continues to try to reach the damn book until he heard foot steps.

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