Chapter 2

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Open up the door

Taehyung's POV

- Bruise -

My back hit the wall hard making me groan in pain then the wall vibrated a bit when a hand slammed against the wall beside my face. Fuck, I completely forgot about Jimin's homework. "Wasn't my message clear enough for you, Hood?" I gulped in fear, staring at his angry eyes. Shit, Im so fucking dead.

Right now, we are at the back of the school so meaning no one would go here except if they are fucking horny and want to fuck or probably they are such an expeditionist and just fuck here all the time but this is not only known to be the place where they beat up the nerd aka me.

A hand went across my cheek creating a loud slapping sound, hurting my cheek completely. Fuck, that's gonna leave a bruise. Since I don't talk, I just put my head down and clutched the middle bottom of my black hoodie, trying my best to not let them see my face. "You stupid fuck!" Jimin yelled slapping my other cheek, stumbling to the grass while holding my cheek.

After collapsing to the grass, Jimin kicked right in the rib making me collied in the wall and coughed in pain. Jimin just smiled sadistically as I held the hoodie tightly to my face. I didn't want to hoodie to slip off so holding my hoodie is my first priority. "You shouldn't have did his homework, you damn bitch" Jin kicked me again in the same place where Jimin kicked me.

My stomach fucking hurts and I wanted to hold it but protecting on how I look like is my first priority. "Are you that fucking dumb? You're just gonna do his damn homework yet you can't fucking do it?" Yoongi growled loudly kicking me in the leg. I think I heard a fucking crack, damn it.

"This is so going in the school website!" Hoseok laughed sadistically as he continued to take a video of his friends beating me up in different angles. "Hey! Get it from this for the camera!" Namjoon called him and picked me up by the collar and punched me in the face. What the fuck? There's a fucking punch? You've got to be kidding me!?

"Hoseok, come here!" Jungkook laughed, grabbing my hand, pinning it to the wall and putting the sleeves of my hoodie up. Fuck, please don't! "This is gonna hurt a lot, hood" Jungkook smirked, twirling his dagger with his fingers in the air, preparing to slice my flesh out from my arm. I maybe a strong fighter but I also can be fucking afraid.

I started to move around, holding my whimpers of pains. This annoyed Bangtan so much Yoongi slapped me right across the face making my face hurt even more, both sides are burning up in pain. I suddenly felt the sharp object made contact with my skin, slicing my fresh skin.

I didn't even bother to scream because I got used to it but I did flinch a bit. They always do this at the point I don't feel anything anymore. This is actually great exercise for me since I get stab and sliced up a lot in my missions, I would get dizzy a lot during my first few missions but after getting sliced and stab by my bullies, I've gotten used to the pain and this helps me a log in my missions so this is actually an advantage? At some point? I guess we can call it an even?

"This bitch doesn't squirm like he used to," I heard Jimin sighed in annoyance. "Tell me about it," Jin agreed as he continued to make marks on my skin. "This bitch doesn't even scream in the first place so what's the difference?" Namjoon rolled his eyes as he continued to slice my flesh.

Fuck, this hurts but it's getting bearable each second since Im used to this kind of pain that I'm receiving. "Hey! This looks good! Hoseok! Take a good angle of this!" Yoongi combed his hair with his fingers and twirled his dagger with his other fingers.

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