Chapter 6

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It's already too late

3rd's POV

- Soonyung Cafe -

"Can you at least tell me where we are going?" Namjoon asked, as the girl beside him kept shifting around. "This was suppose to be a fucking surprised but you kept asking so I'll tell you," Hoseok clicked his tongue in annoyance as he turned the wheel to the side, doing a U-turn.

"Jin and I have been wondering what the Soonyung Cafe is like so we dec—Nah, bitch. YOU decided to go there! I only reminded you about it, you horny dick!" Jin glared from the back making Hoseok chuckle awkwardly.

"Doesn't the Soonyung Cafe belong to the K.M clan?" Jungkook asked while scrolling down at his phone but the woman beside him kept pressing her chest on his arms. "The K.M clan is the drugs and shit right?" Yoongi yawned huskily as he sank himself down more to the shot gun seat.

Jimin looked outside the window, leaning at the window with his elbow. "Yeah, I heard they are very rich and they have 2 sons and 1 daughter." Namjoon agreed with the statement, nodding vigorously, "Right! Right! Right! I've met the oldest! Uhhh what's his name? Is it Kim Minghao?" Namjoon wasn't sure if he pronounced the name correctly.

"I only met the 2nd oldest, Kim Baekhyun, right?" Jin squinted his eyes a bit as he tried to pronounce the name properly. "Have any of you met the daughter?" Hoseok asked while looking at the rear view mirror. "No actually, what about you guys?" Yoongi asked as he looked back to his friends with his arms crossed.

All of them shook their heads as they look at each other to see if someone nodded their heads. "I never saw her but I heard gossips about her," Mia Garcia, a member of the Park Clan (the clan of seducers), said as she leaned her head downwards, placing her head to Jin's shoulders.

"What did you hear about her?" Jimin asked his clan member, already interested with what's she gonna say and you can say the same thing to the others. Mia loved the attention she was getting so she slowly lifted her legs up, exposing her thighs little by little. Damm, she a slut, am I right, Readerellas?

"From what I've recalled, she is really fragile so the K.M clan did everything in their power to protect her. It also has been said that her skin is white as snow and her lips are dark as rose. She is also very kind and helpful making K.M members fall for her soft nature. Rumors has it, she never left K.M clan without 10 guards by her side."

Jungkook scoffed harshly, leaning his back at the chair as he start to think how pathetic the daughter can be already. Among all of Bangtan, Jungkook has the most trust issues next to Yoongi. Jungkook just hates people who are weak for a specific reason.

"So she's basically like those fanfics where mafias have that one weak child and they cherish it like crazy?" Namjoon asked, arching his brow while thinking for a bit. "Yeah, basically that." Mia nodded, confirming his opinion.

Yoongi clicked his tongue in annoyance, looking outside of the window, "What a damn weakling," Like what I said before, Yoongi is the next person to have trust issues. Yoongi, himself, isn't much of a fan of people hiding their true selves for a specific reason as well.

Both Jungkook and Yoongi hates Kim Taehyung because of an experience they had to encounter during their childhood.

"ACHOO!" Taehyung sneezed loudly, almost dropping the grocery bag to the floor. "Is someone talking about me?" Taehyung thought while rubbing his itchy nose, "Eh, it's probably nothing?" He shrugged his shoulders as he walked towards to his destination.

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