Chapter 10

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I can sense YOUR HORROR~

3rd's POV

- Curiosity Killed a Cat -

Horrifying screams echoes from the building, petrifying the people greatly. The huge screen in the middle of this stadium is currently in a broken tv effect, but the sounds of her screams are definitely heard. They would often hear laughters and giggling sounds emitting from the speakers with sounds of whimpers following. Each scream, laughter, and whimper coming out from the screen causes goosebumps to everyone.

The fact they are only listening with the screen broken petrifies them even further. Can you imagine only listening to those terrifying sounds without knowing what is happening? The feeling of not knowing is an annoying emotion that we, humans, wish not to feel. Additionally, not knowing something only spikes the curiosity of a human being.

Being curious about something means thinking of ways on what that particular thing is. After thinking what it is, it's going to lead to temptation; a temptation of confirming whether your assumptions are correct. To confirm, you're going to have to be reckless with your actions.

Curiosity leads to temptation while temptation leads to recklessness.

This is what Taehyung wanted.

Taehyung wanted everyone to be curious on how he tortures people. He wanted everyone to assume what he is trying to do. He wanted everyone to be tempted to learn what torturing methods he does. That way, he would be feared by everyone, not knowing the torturing methods he can do.

With this action of curiosity, Taehyung soon learns that not only he is torturing the person he is torturing, but he is also torturing his audience. This torturing style is called Felis Catus meaning Cat in easier english. Why this you may ask? Well...

Curiosity killed a Cat

Right, Readerellas?

"U-Umm? I'm starving? W-Who wants food?" Hoseok stutters, trying to soothe the tension among the friendship group. The group of friends gave him an are-you-serious face. "Hyung, you speak of food in this time of crisis?" Jimin sighs, running his fingers through his hair. Hoseok yells in horror, "I NEED CONVERSATION OKAY? It helps me I DON'T KNOW? NOT SCREAM IN FRIGHT!"

"WELL, GUESS WHAT MOTHERFUCKER! YOUR DAMN MOUTH IS MAKING SOME SCREAMING NOISES, YEAH?" Jimin screams back in annoyance, gaining a slap on the head by Jin while Yoongi did the same thing with Hoseok.

"It's too early for this shit—Hyung, it's 4pm in the afternoon..." Namjoon interrupts Jin with a sigh. The latter's eyebrow twitches in annoyance, "I SAY WHEN ITS EARLY OR NOT! KIM NAMJOON!" Jin riots, making Jungkook hit his head this time.

"WHY'D YOU DO THAT FOR? Jin loudly scolds his maknae. Jungkook just smiles at him and said with a cheeky tone, "Hyung, it's too early for this shit."

The group tried to surpass their laughter, but it was kinda fail since their soft sounds of laughters can be heard already. This only foils Jin's short tempered mind so he screams, "YOU DAMN BRAT I—" He suddenly got shush by people surrounding the group, embarrassing himself.

Ding Dong: VМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя