Little Distractions

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(20 year old POV) Little age: 2-4

Rae has been streaming GTA all day and all you want to do is spend time with her. You know better then to go and distract her when she's working but today is different for some reason. You feel more clingy and you just want to be around her all day.

Knowing you are most likely going to slip soon, you go to your room and sit on the floor crisscrossed holding your whale stuffie, bubbas, close to you. The fuzzy feeling in your head fully takes over and you are now fully regressed.

"Bubbas..I hungwy. No! I can't get Rae..she workin. I jus wait..Nu much longer..right?" 10am gradually turned into 4pm and you are deeper in your headspace now. Instead of 4, you are now 2.

You decide that you can't wait for her anymore. With your thumb in your mouth and your slightly red, puffy eyes, you walk into Rae's room where she streams.

"Mama!" You whine out. She turns around and takes in your appearance. The messy hair from a nap, the red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks from crying, the thumb in your mouth, and you holding bubbas like your life depends on it.

"Oh baby..come here." She says and coos lightly at the sight of you. You waddle over to her and she pulls you into her lap.

"Mamaaa." You whine again and begin babbling to yourself.

"I know baby, I know. I'm so sorry I wasn't there." She whispers and kisses your cheek. She ends her stream then faces Mickey in the game. "Hey Mickey..I have to go to sleep. I know we were going to do that bank but I have to go."

"What? Why?" He asks.

"I..I have a little baby on my hands to take care of. I'm sorry Mickey, let's do it another time." She says and he understands immediately. He knew about Rae having you as her little and he is 100000% supportive towards the two of you.

She exits the game then looks down at you. "What am I going to do with you, my precious baby?" You babble slightly and she laughs. She stands up and holds you on her hip.

"I'll make you a small snack then I need to make dinner. Brooke, Tina and Emma are coming over for a girls night dinner." You smile at that and Rae sits you in the chair that has arm rests at the table. She puts strawberries and goldfish crackers in front of you.

Giggling, you eat them and then she puts a soft sippy cup of water down too. "Tank ou."

"Great manners, baby." She cooks baked macaroni and cheese and makes a nice salad and makes baked chicken tenders. She is happy knowing you will eat this and hopefully the others will like it too.

At 6pm, there is a knock at the front door. You are sitting there coloring in your coloring books, failing to stay in the lines.

You hear talking but you don't pay much attention to it. You look up when you see Tina crouching next to you. "Hey little one. I knew you were little the moment I met you. I wish you didn't hide it.."

The two others come over and you begin to feel overwhelmed. "M-mama.." your bottom lip wobbles and tears threaten to spill out.

"I'm right here sweetheart. I'm right here." She says and picks you up.

"They are the cutest little thing." Emma says with a huge smile.

"Mmhmm. They are my little baby. And the cutest work distraction ever." She whispers the last part in your ear causing you to giggle.


We are nearing our 100th post WOOOOOO 🥳
Never thought I would make it this far..thank you for everything.


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