vii. swings

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as the school year marches on, atticus becomes my closest friend. honestly he's my only friend, but i digress.

on a thursday afternoon after school ends, we sit on the swing set at the park.

the sun is shining, but i'm staring at the ground instead, kicking a pile of dirt that has been set beneath my feet by the children of the past.

"i'm so ready for this school year to end," i say.

"me too." atticus replies.

"i'm tired," i talk again. my voice doesn't sound so stupid when i'm talking to atticus.

"me too."

there are so many things we aren't able to communicate that fill the space between us.

we stay silent after that, but neither of us want the air to be so still. isn't it funny? loud and quiet, two contrasting things that we caused, and yet atticus and i find ourselves hating both. what can you do about that?

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