Chapter Three: Sorrow's Cross

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"I said, leave her alone. What did she do to you, huh? Just stop harassing her already. Haven't you done enough?"

"Oh, I think I can do a bit more."

Victoria opened the cap to her toothpaste and squeezed in its centre which caused a small amount of toothpaste to shoot out and stain Kate's bed t-shirt. Kate said nothing in response but only created more tears in her eyes while (Y/n) gasped in outrage. Smugly, Victoria and her friend walked past them, bumping Kate's shoulder as she did all the while Kate cried at her suffering.

"Just ignore them, Kate. Don't let them get to you." (Y/n) said supportively.

Kate sniffled and wiped her eyes. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one who got... wh-who made out with a bunch of guys at a stupid party!"

"But it wasn't your fault... was it?"

"I don't know! I barely took a sip of some red wine and the next... I black out. Next day, I wake up in the hospital and when I go back to school, everybody is going on about that stupid video I'm in. Social media gets around very well around Arcadia."

"I'm sorry this is happening to you, Kate. I truly am. Look, I know we can't undo the damage that's been done, but there's still a chance to prove your innocence."

"What? How? The whole school knows I'm a-a slut because of Nathan. I'm a worthless human being, (Y/n)." Kate questioned with a stammer.

"No you're not. You're special to me." (Y/n) cooed and reached his hand out to touch her arm.

Kate looked up at him in surprise of his dedication towards her. Not only that, but the fact that he daringly physically touched her caused her to tense. Without another word spoken, Kate slipped past (Y/n) and rushed back to her room while he stood in the empty hallway before resuming his task of brushing his teeth. Once he had returned to his room, nothing was said as he tucked himself in his bed and went to sleep. 


Come morning, (Y/n) awoke to feel refreshed and keen for his next day at school. He found that it was only he who woke up first while his roommate still laid in bed, drool pooling on his pillow. (Y/n) got out of bed and dressed up decently before he made another trip to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He didn't stumble across someone like he did early yesterday evening so his trip to and fro was fast.

Even after spending three minutes going to the boy's bathroom to brush his teeth, when he returned he felt amused to find that Esteban was still in deep slumber. (Y/n) collected his belongings and quietly left the room before making his way out of the dormitory to wander around to pass the time. When (Y/n) discovered the library, he found it as a good place to settle for the morning before class.

With access to privacy and a wide range of novels and such, (Y/n) occupied a seat at a desk on the other side of the room, opposite the librarian's desk who had been busy stacking shelves and replacing books to their rightful places. (Y/n) used his book and laptop to indulge with the continuation of his homework and studies. It wasn't long until somebody did enter the library, and soon thereafter so did a few more.

While (Y/n) was so indulged with catching up, somebody took up a seat opposite him which interrupted his train of thought. To his company, seated Kate Marsh just across from him. She still had bags under her eyes but that didn't make up for the fact that she hadn't been getting enough sleep. It was coincidental that they crossed paths as Kate had the original intent to find a new book worth reading when she discovered (Y/n)'s early presence in the library.

"Good morning," greeted (Y/n).

"Hi, (Y/n). Sleep well?" Kate replied lazily.

"Slept like a baby. You?"

Kate shrugged her shoulders and produced her book from her bag as well as her pencil case.

"So, what are you up to now?" Kate inquired.

"I'm reading up on Page 48 of Still Life In Photography. Mr Jefferson is pretty adamant that I get this stuff done by the end of next week."

"Stuck on anything?"

(Y/n) stuck his bottom lip out and shook his head. "Nothing thus far."

Silence fell upon them, creating a slightly awkward atmosphere that Kate found unsettling. As much as she liked peace and quiet, she felt the urge to converse more with the brown-haired boy across from her.

"Hey, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) perked his head up and sent a gentle smile her way as he gave her his full attention.

"Thank you for standing up for me yesterday. Against Victoria. She's just so... evil." Kate muttered as a blush crept up on her face.

"Of course. You don't deserve what you go through. I myself know that all too well."

Kate paused before saying, "When Victoria said she knew you from somewhere, did you meet her before or did you end up on social media for something crazy you did?"

(Y/n) frowned, knowing that what she was asking had revived trauma that he felt immense guilt for. Yet (Y/n) didn't shy away too much from it and told her a half truth.

"You could say that. Let's just say things are better left unsaid, and the past we shouldn't worry too much about." (Y/n) replied dismissively as he returned his focus to his book and scribbled.

Daringly, the dirty-haired blonde reached her hand across to touch (Y/n)'s motionless hand. (Y/n) tensed when he felt her hand touch his. He looked up in an instant when he felt the smoothness of her palm touch the roughness of his knuckles. Through the physical contact, the pair's faces turned as red as tomatoes.

"Umm, K-Kate? I-I-If you're not doing anything this afternoon, w-w-would you like to go out with me t-t-to the Two Wales Diner?" (Y/n) stammered shyly.

"Sure. I'd like to go with you."

Delight broke on (Y/n)'s face as the slim change that which Kate would accept his offer didn't prepare him for exchanging phone numbers or setting a time for their date. By returning their attention back to their work, the smiles that were plastered on their faces didn't leave as they worked in silence until the morning bell rang. At the call for students to attend first period, Kate and (Y/n) went their separate ways knowing that they would reunite in their second class. 

The first lesson for the day started off slowly but after some time and getting into the work, time flew by rather quickly. (Y/n) felt so electrified for his date that afternoon that he hadn't realised the amount of hard work he was putting in. It wasn't until second period when (Y/n) got to be in the same class as Kate. Despite how terrible and miserable she appeared from recent daily bullying, Kate managed to smile through her pain whenever she caught (Y/n) staring at her. 

Nobody took notice of the glares that (Y/n) and Kate exchanged. Nobody except Max. Due to her zoning out of her classes more often than usual, she had managed to catch her friend Kate transmitting smiles across to somebody that caught her eye. To Max's surprise, she interpreted that it was (Y/n) whom she was acting friendly to, and vice versa. For the time being, Max dismissed the thought but with the intent to ask Kate about her eyeing (Y/n). 

Angel Of A MorningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora