Chapter One: The Mermaid Hunter Notices The Mermaid

Start from the beginning

He gave me a once over and opened his mouth to say more when the bell rang, and the teacher called the class to attention. Dillon turned in his seat slightly so his body was facing forwards, his eyes still turned towards me.

"Welcome to your senior year. I'm Mr. Anderson, your homeroom advisor. Take a look around the room. These are the people you will see for seven minutes every morning for the rest of the school year. So make friends because I will not tolerate drama. Now attendance, raise your hand when I call your name. Amber Calvin. Trinity Morrison. Kye Aphrodite. Dillon Yusei. Trent Parker. Jack Roberts. All here? Well, that's a good start. Hopefully, it stays that way. You are free to talk until the bell."

Mr. Anderson sat back down, effectively dismissing us. Everyone seemed to resume their prior conversation. I brought my attention back to my nails, hoping Dillon would take the hint that our conversation was over. I couldn't help but peek at him out of the corner of my eye when I heard him clear his throat.

"So Kye, what classes do you have? Maybe we'll have another black together." Dillon asked.

"I have Creative first with Mr. Hood, America in Crisis with Ms. Campbell, a free block, and then Home Economics with Mr. Robin. You?"

"I guess we won't have another block together then. I have Gym with Mrs. Keifer, free block, Economics with Mr. Smith, and College Composition with Mr. Hood. Can I walk you to your next class?" he asked sweetly.

I said yes before I could stop myself. He seemed so normal, so not dangerous, but I suppose that was the point.

The bell thrilled, and we started heading down the hall. We talked about the first day of senior year, and it was hard to believe that this was our last year in high school.

"Well, I'll see you later, I suppose," I said as I drew close to the door. Dillon nodded his head, smiled at me then continued down the hallway. I entered Creative Writing with a sigh. I had just put myself on danger's radar, and based on the light pink tint my cheeks had taken and the speeding of my heart, I knew I was in trouble. Apparently, danger was what attracted me.

Creative Writing passed in a blur. The introduction of what we were supposed to learn senior year and a summary of what was supposed to be covered last year. It was really a waste of the hour and a half that we were given, but given the fact, all I could think about was Dillon and how I was going to get out of this. By the time the bell rang, I just wanted to be back in the ocean, swimming my problems away. I sprang out of my seat and went to hurry down the hallway when I caught sight of dark brown hair just down the hall.

"Hey, Kye," Dillon called with a smile.

"Hey," I replied, smiling back before heading on my way down the hall. I barely spared him a glance over my shoulder. I needed to get my head on straight. No matter how cute he was, I had to resist getting close to him because I knew how dangerous getting to know him would be. I couldn't bring that kind of danger near my family or me. I had to focus on the plan of one hundred and eighty school days until I could move, whether it was to go to college or take some time in the ocean.

Knowing what you should do and doing it are two different things. This is how it continued for the rest of the day. Dillon either greeted me or smiled at me every time we crossed paths. Even my friends picked up on it. If only they knew the whole story. They were content with the fact that Dillon was 'flirting' with me. I figured he was just friendly, even if a part of me wanted him to be flirting with me just a little bit.

By the end of the day, I wanted nothing more than to lose myself in the waves of the ocean, but I knew it was way too risky. I had already flirted with danger. I didn't need to make it any worse for myself.

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