Josi shakes her head at the oddity of it all. Rumors or not, men like Idris should never be underestimated. She's seen enough stories to know the tales about the man in question are true.

She believes Idris Night Verdonni does run a drug trafficking ring. She believes he's more than just a businessman, that he has his hands on a widespread of kidnappings and murders, though there's been no solid proof. But that's what happens when you're a man in power. You get to buy people's silence. Or blackmail. Whichever one Idris prefers.

After her glass has been emptied, Josi excuses herself and heads for where the restrooms are. The journey there is easy. The journey back, however, leads to a stray path that has Josi wishing she'd never left the company of her friends.

"You there."

Josi turns and finds a man. The first thing she notices is the length of his hair which ends just below his shoulders, though he has most of it tied up in a half bun. Cladded in an all black suit attire, this man clearly has no room for color. It's all dark and dingy. Even his eyes which have yet to stray from Josi carry little life in them.

There are black and silver cuffs that outline his ears all the way through; the only piece of accessory strapped to him. Then there's his height and physique. Josi peaks at a solid five foot nine, but as the stranger currently has it, that accomplishment isn't worth much notability.

The wheels in Josi's head begin turning, and her skepticism gets the better of her. "What do you want?"

"Follow me." He tells her, his voice a guttural baritone.

Confusion like never before. "I don't even know you."

"That's the least of your concern. Idris wants to see you, so you'll come immediately."

And there it is. The stuff of nightmares. Questions of how he knows she exists. Questions of what he wants with her, what he could possibly stand to gain from her presence. They all flood Josi's mind in volumes too blaring. "I don't think-"

"Don't let me repeat myself."

Amidst Josi's uneasiness is a bubbling feeling of exasperation. Why does she have to cut her evening short for some stranger? What gives them the right? But these only remain angry thoughts in her head. No such bravery allocated to voicing them out loud-because the man intimidates her, though she would rather not acknowledge that fact.

The man spares her no more time. He begins leading the way, not even bothering to ensure if Josi is keeping up. But she does, because the look on his face suggests he means business.

The two are soon welcomed onto the rooftop. Only a handful of people-mostly employees-roam the place, working jobs that seem to drive their blood pressure through the roof as seen by the tension on their faces.

Josi is brought in front of yet another stranger. Unlike the man who ushered her there, this one has an ambience to him that is more relaxed than it is drab. Tanned skin so deep and vibrant, it glistens when kissed by the sun. He has medium length hair, curly and slicked to the back, with eyes that resemble pools of honey.

What really draws Josi in, however, is the scar on his chin. It begins on the corner of his mouth-just a few centimeters above his lips-and runs in a straight line past his jawline. A once painful injury, that one.

But the character study comes to an end almost as soon as it started when Josi realizes the man is no stranger at all. How fantastically convenient that the man she'd glared at is, in fact, the very thing she'd vowed to steer clear of. How truly remarkable.

Idris dismisses the girl by his side, who Josi suspects must have been there for more than just alcohol. Once she's out of sight, Idris turns his attention back to Josi, then says, with so much nonchalance, "Sit."

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