Nodding I fidget with the blanket that is around me saying, "Y-Yes." Nodding she smiles saying, "Well I couldn't let you sleep long honey, or you won't sleep tonight yeah, now I know your probably hungry huh." Blushing I look away and my stomach betrays me by growling at that moment she just chuckles rocking me slightly and I blush more but, she just smiles asking, "You think you can eat something hmm?" looking back up into her eyes I nod, and she smiles patting my back asking, "How about some yogurt and milk hmm? I know you probably can't eat much huh." Blinking I purse my lips and look away as she stands, and I squeak but she just keeps holding me against her like a baby.

Blushing I hide my face in her chest as she just keeps walking and holding me asking, "Are you still shy sweetheart?" blushing I smile slightly at how sweet and caring she is feeling her moving around I look back out and around we are in a fancy looking kitchen but it's not to fancy. There is dark mahogany cabinets, black marble counter tops and the walls are painted a cream colored white to let the natural light in from the window above the sink and the back doors. Smiling at how pretty it is I see a stainless-steel refrigerator, matching microwave, then a coffee making one of those fancy ones that makes the foamy drinks. Giggling under my breath at the word foamy I hear her chuckle as she opens the fridge still holding me, blushing I look up at her and she still has that tiny smile on her beautiful face. I just wonder why she is doing all this let alone treating me well like a child, does she know that I am a little?

Shivering at the thought I just wait and listen as she moves us around she looks down at me after setting what she needed, down saying, "Ok honey you awake enough I can set you down?" blushing I nod but I would rather stay in her arms she nods and walks to where I think is the kitchen table, getting there she adjusts me, and I squeak looking at her as she lifts me from under my arms and sets me down. Whimpering I look away but feel her caress my cheek saying, "Hey it's ok yeah." Blushing I just nod not looking at her and she says, "Ok I'm going to get you some breakfast though now it would be lunch almost." Blinking I quickly look at her but just see her walking back to the counter and sink, watching her I see she got some fresh fruit out and is cutting it up.

It has been so long since I have had fresh fruit and it is a rare occasion and treat when I do get it, especially for little me. Feeling myself slip a little I kick my legs and adjust the blanket around me watching her cut up I think strawberries, bananas, and something else before putting it in with some yogurt. Once she is done she walks back to me with a bowl and a glass of milk, my stomach growls again making me squirm. She smiles setting them down saying, "Here you go honey." Seeing I am too far from the table I try to scoot myself and the chair forward but of course it doesn't work, then of course she helps scooting me closer. Asking, "You want a booster seat or me to hold you so you can eat setting up better?"

Blinking I look up at her blushing and nibble my lip I could say booster seat but to be honest I just want her to keep holding me. So, I nibble my lip again looking up at her before mumbling out, "S-Sit w-with you." She smiles and picks me up making me squeal and giggle a little of which she does the same getting me adjusted in her lap against her. once we are comfortable she rocks me lightly saying, "There much better now let's get some food in that tummy of yours." Blushing at her using the word tummy I freeze up and so does she before just ignoring her wording as she moves the bowl closer for me.

Reaching out I take the spoon seeing the other fruit its green I think its kiwi, yawning lightly I feel her rubbing my back and I take a bite. Its sweet and creamy I feel my eyes sting with unshed tears but ignore them and keep eating slowly so I don't rush. I want to savor this in case I don't get nothing this fresh and yummy again, as I keep eating she just keeps rubbing my back. By the time I finish and reach for my milk my stomach cramps a little, but I ignore it and finish off the milk, which calms my stomach and I sigh relaxing.

Tiny Step's (MDLG Story.) Temporarily ON HOLD.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum