Wondering if I should run now or wait until after my bath I really can't not except a bath. hearing her coming back I look towards her just as she says, "Ok baby the bath is almost full so how about you go on in and get undressed hmm. Or do you need help with that other than getting in the tub?" blushing I nibble my lip and slide off the bed holding my duffle I shiver but set it down and open the side finding a clean pare of undies. That Sarah got me an scrunching them up I hide them, and she smiles saying, "It's ok honey your safe with me yeah." Nibbling my lip, I leave my duffle and walk around the bed as I get near her I see here dig inside the dresser drawer taking out a big pink shirt that says "Aloha" and I smile maybe she has been to Hawaii, putting my smile away as she turns she smile saying, "You can lay your undies down on the bed with the shirt baby you'll be getting dressed in here once done with your bath yeah." Blinking I hug myself and groan knowing I need to tell her before this gets to personal, shivering I walk back and against the wall and she frowns as she lays the shirt down. Blinking she says, "Hey, hey you're ok." Shivering I curl in on myself in the corner of the wall and I slide down on the floor hugging my knees.

This makes her frown and look more worried, and she looks towards the bathroom saying, "Take a deep breath baby I'll be right back I need to shut the water off." She leaves and I take deep breaths like she said then she is back and squatting down in front of me. Blinking I whimper and she sighs saying, "Shh baby please talk with me huh. What is wrong?" sniffling I wipe my eyes and hiccup before whimpering out, "I, I no b-baby, I'm, Im e-eighteen." She blinks in shock and sets back on her heels I just sniffle and wipe my eyes watching her she scrunches up her face but not in disgust as I thought. No just worry and concern she blinks again saying, "Oh love you are still safe with me huh. What's your name?" blinking in shock I sniffle out, "E-Esme K-knight." She smiles saying, "That is a lovely name dear, now I know your scared still but how about that bath hmm. I won't look at you, but I will need to help you in and out of the tub it is pretty tall."

She is being so nice, and I am in awe no one has been so nice except my friends, sniffling I wipe my face and she smiles. Asking, "After you wash up would you mind me washing your hair honey? May be better that way I can help get all those tough rats out huh." Giggling at that I nod and yawn she smiles nodding saying, "I'm going to stand and step back ok." Nodding I watch her before I stand up against the wall she looks towards the bathroom saying, "Ok honey go undress and just call for me when you're ready to get in the bath." nodding I walk in and look back at her before walking more inside she closes the door and I sigh turning and looking around I gasp. This is like a full bedroom but it's a bathroom and in the middle is a clawfoot tub and shower head above it. giggling I love it the whites and greys match similar to the whites and blacks in the bedroom, sighing I walk to the sink laying my clean undies there before stripping naked. Once fully naked I see a full-length mirror and I know I should not look but it has been a year and half since I had. Taking a breath and biting my lip I walk forward and what I see makes me cry and shake at the state I am in, long gone was my baby fat and chubby belly and in its place is skin and bones I can see my ribs so pronounced, I know I am malnourished, and starving doesnt help.

Covering my mouth, I turn and look at all my scars as I hear the goddess asking, "You ok in there baby?" shivering I whimper not wanting her to see me like this and hell I don't even know her name yet, but she knows mine. Sniffling I whimper out, "I ok I , I ready b-but no look." Hearing her say ok I walk over to the tub covering my privates and chest even though I have nothing but a child's body I am still self-conscious. Sniffling I shiver as I see her come in with her eyes closed, smiling at her she looks silly. As she says, "Ok honey almost there and my manners baby my name is Elena Shaw just so you know yeah." Blinking she just said "Shaw" right am I losing my mind? Thats the name of the law firm in big letters at the top is she that "Shaw"?, no she couldnt be. Blinking as I shake my head saying, "N-Nice t-to m-meet you." She chuckles getting closer to the tub and I reach out, but she stops and touches the tub saying, "Ok honey come over here and I'll pick you up hmm." Blushing I nibble my lip and walk over touching her hand, so she knows I am there, sighing I take a breath as she slides her hands under my arms, and I shiver and squeak as she lifts me then sets me in the tub.

Tiny Step's (MDLG Story.) Temporarily ON HOLD.Where stories live. Discover now