Jk:-oh my God he left his Mobile in my car I am sure he must be searching it what should I do now, how I should inform him that his Mobile is with me...I must talk hyung about this...no wait a second jk if tae phone is here  then how hyung will be able to contact with him, he did alot for my daughter he just came here this late to feed her medicines in reward I should  help him out yes that's what I should do...After saying jk left from there.
After almost 10 minutes search one of goons found tae

Hey boys see what I have found?...one goon said while dragging tae...tae protested alot but failed infront of them because they were   physically more stronger than  him

They threw tae on the ground like a piece of meat and made circle around of him like hungry lions who were ready to attack in no time

Tae:-please let me go I am begging you please dont hurt me

Sweet heart we are here only loving you not hurting you so be relex and give up on your body before getting any kind of wounds...one of them said   while passing devlish laughters

After passing so many disrespectful words to tae two of them started taking of their clothes meanwhile other two were tightly holding tae's fragile body, their touch were making tae disguised but except of bearing them, he had no other choice

So boys you have only two hour to complete your mission, because right now we both are super tired so After taking some rest we will continue from where you will leave have you got that?...two goons left after declaring their plans

And rest of two started working on their mission After taking off his shirt one of them climbed over tae and ripped tae shirt, tae tried to ran away from there but everything was useless that bitch punched on tae's stomach for making him more fragile which made tae screaming his lungs out in pain, and his screaming were drilling garage's roof across...one of them was covering tae mouth with his palms for shutting tae mouth and muffling his louder screams

Beside jk stopped his car at the exact spot where he left tae earlier after walking few steps ahead Jk feet stumbled with those empty alcohol bottles

Jk:-what kind of illiterate people are living here?don't they have any manners... probably one taught them that how to live in the society as responsible citizens.... while curssing them he threw those empty bottles in the trash bin...Besides that bastard was about to pull down tae's paints when tae used his full strength to bite on the person'spalm who was constantly covering tae's mouth for muffling his screams to coming out...tae bite was enough sharp to lost that guy in the pain he shouted his lungs out and free tae's hand to ease the pain his sudden and louder  scream made jk flinched for a moment jk started looking around to find out that what's going on there...as that guy pulled his hand from tae's mouth tae availed golden chance and started shouting his lungs out...please somebody save me from these monsters please help me out...After hearing tae's screaming and appeals jk easily figure out that it was tae voice and he is on the thic ice so without waisting any second he stormed in that tiny street where an old garage was located...tae was calling for help when that half naked guy slapped tae many times to make him quiet...but tae wasn't letting them to touch him which was creating so much loud noice

Boys would you like to stop being noicy let us to have some rest to making ourselves fresh before enjoying our trun...their fellow yelled from the back

While following tae's loud screaming Jk easily reached that spot but the main door of that garage was locked  that locked door wasn't enough strong to stop jk from saving tae so without waisting any time he climbed over garage's gate when he directly jumped down on the floor his eyes witnessed tae's in worst condition

While following tae's loud screaming Jk easily reached that spot but the main door of that garage was locked  that locked door wasn't enough strong to stop jk from saving tae so without waisting any time he climbed over garage's gate when he direc...

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Jk:-hey you bastard don't you even dare to touch him ...he said  running in the direction of tae and those monsters...jk sudden entry made them wonder all of them gather at the same place...After listening familiar voice tae also felt some relaxation...but as he tried to open his eyes he saw jk...who was standing on few steps distance from him, he was  looking at jk in disbelief because he wasn't expecting him...jk sat down to hold tae in his embrace...but before holding him he took off his shirt and coverd tae's half naked body with that...he was fuming with anger, his
Blood was  boiling due to enrage, it seemed like someone awakend his inner animal who was sleeping from ages...

Jk:-are you alright...jk said caressing on tae's hair, a very first time he was talking with tae politely....for tae it was kind of day dreaming...his eyes were filled with water...at that time he felt secure

Jk:-did you get hurt somewhere...he inquired in concern

Tae just shaked his head in no

Jk:-did they dare to touch you?
Before tae could respond

Hey you both Romeo and Juliet stop your so called romance or romantic drama here...one of them spit we are not here to listen your...before he could complete his sentence jk aggressively threw one alcohol bottle over that guy and made him injured because it was glass bottle

What the fuck you did? look blood is coming out of my head...injured one stated in panic

Listen we are not here to creat any mess with you we just want to have that pretty guy just for a night if you don't mind you can also join us for enjoying one night stand with that pretty as*
After passing death glance
Jk once again thew an other bottle at that person who was barking shit against tae jk was an athelict so  missing his target was kind of impossible thing for him ...that bottle directly broke over goon's face which badly injured his eyes he almost lost his eye...After seeing their crime partners in pain other goons went near to jk for taking revenge, after a parting tae from himself jk stood up for fighting them because jk was muscline means  physically stronger and sobber than those drunk goons so he easily won against of them and one by one threw both of them on the floor meanwhile tae was looking at them without blinking his eyes

Jk:-if by any chance one of you will dare to Roam around of him again I swear to my daughter Hazal I will chopped your bodies into millions tiny pieces have you got that...he said  rubbing his shoe on their stomach one by one
Yes we got that now please let us to go please for give us we are truly sorry both of them said at the same time

Tae:-they got that...now let's go from here before police arrive here...he said weakly dragging jk from his hands, while coming out from that garage several times Jk inquired from tae that if he is alright meanwhile tae was surprisingly looking at jk  worridley and trying to find out the reason behind of jk's madness...

They both were about to reach at condo's door when someone shouted from behind as jk truned his face back he found that bloody person whose eyes got injured by jk" was pointing gun at tae"...without wasting any single second jk lifted  tae up then took his place and that's how within second that guy shooted two bullets on jk, one of bullet crossed in jk's right shoulder and second one drilled jk's right side " exact between chest and shoulder"...After gun firing that guy ran from that place.

Jk was about to collapse on the floor when tae held him in his embrace while shouting jk name.

Sudden gun shoots voice brought out others people from their dorms Jimin also came out as Jimin came out he saw his dearest friend crying holding a person whose whole body  was wet with blood.

Sudden gun shoots voice brought out others people from their dorms Jimin also came out as Jimin came out he saw his dearest friend crying holding a person whose whole body  was wet with blood

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