Logeata is born

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I landed next to Vegeta, Goku and the Kai's.

Goku:Loki nice timing

Vegeta:Loki take this and put it on your left ear

He gave me a small...thing. I put it on.

Goku:alright Vegeta your turn

Vegeta:I'm not fusing with you let alone him!


Goku:come on Vegeta it's not for ever

Vegeta:fine give me it!

He put it on and we were pulled together.


A blue light shot into the sky and someone rose from it and landed on a piece of rubble as Zamasu watched.

Zamasu:of course the Mortals emulate the Gods, you even went as far to fuse with a Demon

???:A Demon? Oh no Zamasu we are much worse than that!

The new figure turned Blue.

Logeata:we are Logeata! And we'll be your personal executioner!

He made a Ki blade and stabbed it into his own hand and brought out a blue scythe with a chain.

He made a Ki blade and stabbed it into his own hand and brought out a blue scythe with a chain

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(change the colour to blue)


Logeata:oh it's very possible...we share memories and Vegeta saw you do this little trick so the Loki in me decided to make his own

Logeata blasted off clashing his blade with Zamasu's. He was being pushed back.

Logeata:what's the matter!? Thought you were a God!

Logeata cut Zamasu's arm off with the scythe then threw the chain part that went through him, Logeta pulled the chain and the small scythe on the end hooked Zamasu brining him closer so Logeata could kick him away but Zamasu healed but he changed.

Logeata:the Mortal side of you can't keep up!

Zamasu raged and got bigger trying to strike down Logeata but he just dodged.

Zamasu:wretched Mortal! I'll destroy you! You and every other Mortal in the Universe! I AM ZAMASU! I AM JUSTICE! I WILL NOT LOSE TO YOU-!

Logeata cut Zamasu through the chest.

Logeata:you already have

He kicked Zamasu away and threw the chain into the sky and mannuvering it to slash the sky splitting the clouds. A slit appeard like Loki's iron reaver only it was the size of rhe city.


Thousands of Ki blasts came down blasting Zamasu but he he survived.


He roared and shook the world power to his maximum but also changing his body even more.

Logeata:what's the matter getting mad? I'll make this quick then

He put his hands in front of him like a Final Flash but the light was red.


Vegeta and Loki split in half. They ran out of time.


The two flew back to the rest with 21 arriving.

Goku:what happened!?

Vegeta:we ran out of time!...there's nothing that can stop him now

Zamasu was about to strike but Trunks with new found power stopped the attack.

Trunks:I won't let you take anyone else!

They kept fighting with the rest watching.

Zamasu:tell me how will you escape my justice now!?

Trunks:compared to Gods of course were weak! But you can't make me ashamed of that! That's what makes us worthy! THATS WHAT MAKES US STRONG!

Trunks started drawing energy from everything and everyone on the planet.

Trunks:share you energy with me!

Zamasu:I don't care how much energy you collect it's no match for a God!

Trunks sword turned Blue.

Loki:he stole my thing!

21:you steal other people's things

Loki:yeah that mine!

Trunks split Zamasu in half and a bright light shot into the sky. Zamasu was dead. Everyone was relieved of the outcome and took a breath of relief. That was until the sky turned black and Zamasu's faces was in the clouds.

Goasu:he's merged with universe

Goku:he just doesn't quit

He tried to go blue but failed.

Goku:come on we need to give this everything we've got!


21 transformed trying to keep control. This was the first time Loki had seen this and was...a little surprised.





They all fired a beam into the sky but it did nothing. That was when Vegeta noticed Loku had a tail.

Vegeta:Loki you have a tail!? Why didn't you tell me!?

He shrugged.

21:I found out about it just a little before Trunks arrived so we didn't really know what to do about it

Vegeta:I have an idea

With the last of Vegetas strength he made a small energy orb and threw it into the sky.

Goku:Vegeta no!

Vegeta:Vegeta yes! Look at the ball Loki!

Loki stared at it for a bit and started to shake. He grew in size the top half of his clothes ripped off, and his fur was gold as well as his hair. He gace didn't turn into thay of an ape but stayed the same.

Vegeta:it can't be...a Golden Ozaru

Loki roared as the Zamasu faces attacked with red beams. Loki fired his own shielding himself and the others. But the city and everywhere else was decimated. In the chaos the orb was destroyed and Loki turned back to normal but not like normal Ozaru he just kinda...popped. He fell on the ground.


21:you okay?

He sat up.

Loki:my head...

That was when Goku had the bright idea to summon Xeno. Or this worlds version of Xeno.

Goku:somthing like this should be dealt with right?

Xeno:yes it should...I'll destroy it

21:oh no

Loki:that bad?

Vegeta:yes, Bulma time machine!

Bulma:get in!

21,Loki,Vegeta and Goku jumped on the legs and got away just as Xeno destroyed the universe they were in. After they were back and got their Xeno the other Xeno as a friend the Tournament idea became a thing.

Should I do a chapter focused of Android 21 and Loki's relationship? Imma do it eventually I'm just wondering if I should do it now or after the tournament. Leave a comment and let me know...thanks for reading

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