back to the future

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Loki:how much longer!?

Bulma:I'm glad your speaking is getting better but have some patience! I can't remember where I put the Dragon Rader the least you could do is help me find it!

I smashed a table and somthing came put of the drawer.

Bulma:oh here it is thanks...okay so this should tell you where the Dragon Balls are

I took it and it beeped with little dots on it.


I walked out and was about to fly off when I sensed somthing. Suddenly the thing Goku and Vegeta left in appeard and landed in the same spot as last time.


She walked out.

Bulma:what is it now-oh my Kami! Quick get them inside I'll get the sensu beans!

I sighed and dragged all three inside. 21 joined us as Bulma gave them the beans.

Bulma:feel any better?

Trunks:good to be back...

Vegeta:how could we lose so badly?

Goku sprung up.

Goku:well now we know what to expect, Loki want to join us when we go back?


21:I will too you might need more help

Vegeta:what if you lose control again?

21:I think you three can handle me

What do they mean lose control? After that we went to see Beerus, Whis and a small man outside eating icecream. Me and 22 looked at it.


21:you said it...

TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi writer not being bothered with writing everything else.


After Beerus Hakai'd Zamasu out of existence me, Goku, Vegeta, 21, FT and Bulma went back to the future. There were destroyed buildings, it looked like someone drained the sky of color.

21:this is awful

FT:I knew it, not even the Gods could fix my Future

We landed and went underground where other Humans were. We kept walking till we came across a girl in black hair unconscious with children around her.


Boy:you came back! Help her Trunks we don't know what to do? She's dying

FT:Goku quick Sensu bean!

Goku:oh yeah here you go

He gave him a bag and Trunks ate one chewing it and then he put his mouth to hers?

Loki:what is that?

21:it's the only way to give Mai the sensu...but under normal conditions this is called a kiss


21:yes it's how people show affection toward each other

Then Mai woke up. Bulma gave them needed supplies. We sensed Black and Zamasu outside. Me, Goku, Vegeta, FT and 21 all flew up.

Zamasu:I see you have returned dear Sayians-

He stopped when he saw me and 21.

Black:and it appears they aren't alone...a demon and a woman no matter

Goku:we know what you did! With the Super Dragon Balls, you made yourself invincible and made this copy!

Black:you think I'm a copy? This is Goku's body down to the last battle scar. But the mind that's inside belongs to me the Supreme Kai Zamasu. After I destroyed my master I took the time ring and found the Super Dragon Balls then for my first wish I switched bodies with you Goku!

Goku:then what!?

Black:can't you guess? Then I killed you death by your own fist

21:then the other one is he Zamasu aswell? Just this alternate timelines Zamasu

Zamasu:well done, for a mortal. Let's begin shall we

The both of them fired a Ki blast and turned into a massive ball of energy sending us into the ground.


He went Blue and blasted up.

Vegeta:did you forget he's invincible!

I flew up after him Goku took Zamasu and I blocked an attack from Black.

Black:you intrest me! A saiyan? A demon? What are you!

I kicked him into a building. He came back out with a Ki blade. I made my own but blue.

Black:well then...this should be entertaining

We clashed. As we faught I remembered somthing. Id done this before.


I was clashing someone with another Ki blade. I had that red fur again. No wait there were multiple Ki blades. The guys that had them were Saiyans. When I was surrounded I spun.



I backed away from Black and cut open the air with my blade.

Loki:iron rever!

It sent a flurry of Ki blasts toward him that damaged him.

Black:enough of this!

He sent me away into a building. 21 flew over.

21:Loki are you okay?


we then saw Goku rage and beat both of them back.

21:well don't worry Goku has this for now

For now...

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