TOP part 4

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Once again, surrounded by Super Saiyans, with a God leading them. I was beaten down...I didn't know who I was but I know that I'm stronger than all of them.

God:give can't win like this

Loki?:I...will.not be beaten by traitors like you!

God:Zuka! Don't make us kill you!

My name...Zuka.

Zuka:not even an army could stop me! SAIYAN LAW!

I fired the blast and everything is...gone.

21 POV

21:Loki! Loki!

I was searching for him, he hasn't been knocked off and no way he's dead...he can't be.

Goku:he's still alive I can sense him but...somethings different

A red beam shot into the sky causing all to stop fighting. Goku powered up into SSJ2.

21:what is it?

Goku:I'm sensing alot of negative's coming from Loki

The beam dissapeard and in a flash Loki appeared next to me with his fist in Goku's chest but somthing was different, his shirt was gone and he had red fur all over his body, red eyes, red tail. He sent Goku flying, then he looked down at himself.

Loki?:what has happened to me? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?


He turned to her.

Loki?:you! Where am I?

21:Loki what are you-?

Zuka:I am Zuka! The last remaining true Saiyan!

He slapped me away easily but I landed on my feet.

21:Zuka? This must be who Loki was...whatever this form is its far stronger than even SSG

Speaking of which Vegeta appeared in SSG but Zuka blocked the attack.

Vegeta:what the hell are you-!?

Zuka:God? Traitor!

He punched him away.

Zuka:even here there are those who would disgrace our race! Relying on devine power instead of a Saiyans primal fury! Such a waste...

He walked away through the rubble.


He appeared.

Vegeta:he hits...way harder now

Goku was here too, he had dragged his way back.

Goku:you said it...what's gotten into him?

Vegeta:I told you this would happen eventually...he's a mad dog

21:shut up!

They both looked at me.

21:He's still Loki! Now are you going to help me pull him out...or stay?

They both nodded.

21:then let's get to it

I took my glasses off and transformed into my Majin form. I will free him from whatever is in control...I promise.

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