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Loki sat in amongst raging fire, looking incredibly board. He had been here for awhile, he did try to escape his usual way of blow it up but that didn't work. However his surroundings did feel incredibly familiar, like he'd been here before. He waved his hand through the fire that didn't burn watching it dance around his hand. He sighed and then screamed.


His voice had no echo all that was heard now was the fire once more. He stood and started walking through the flames. He couldn't remember much about what happened before he was put here but he does remember...her...


He voice echoed in his mind. He can't remember why but he feels like he let her and so many more down just by being here. He felt he needed to escape, he had too see her again and make sure she was safe. That everyone was safe...he would give anything. As he walked the fire subsided and he was in a waste land.

???:so you've arrived

He turned and saw a woman in a lab coat.

He turned and saw a woman in a lab coat

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???:shall we begin Loki?


Towa:oh yes where are my manners. I am Towa, I have been waiting for you since well...since I created you and sent you to Earth

Loki tilted his head.

Towa:I made you


She sighed.

Towa:note to self make sure Mira isn't an idiot...

She composed herself.

Towa:now that you've grown stronger on Earth I will make you even stronger and truly tap into your Demon blood

Loki:I'm Saiyan

Towa:no Loki. You are the clone of a Saiyan, Zuka to be infact. And if you want to save your friends you'll need this power I will so graciously give

Loki narrowed his eyes.

Loki:what power?

Towa smirked.


Her hand became ingulfed in flames.

Towa:the Gods have Hakai, Angel's have Ultelra Instinct...we Demons have Hellfire Inferno

Loki looked upon it mesmerised.

Towa:so...shall we?

(And that's what Loki's doing. P.S U7 is still around)

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