Twenty Nine | Challenge

Start from the beginning

"Shift!" I shouted.

I watch Tanner shift quickly bringing Trek forward causing Gracie to smirk. There's another flaw. He's impatient. She shifted giving Gracie some control, but not all so the she wouldn't kill poor Trek. Her and Gracie knew it wasn't his fault he got stuck with a shitty human.

"Continue!" I shout again.

Tanner immediately takes off towards Gracie and goes to jump on her, but she ducks and dodges him causing him to land on the ground. Before he can spin around she jumps on his back and bites into the back of his neck causing him howl in pain. He tries shaking her off but she digs her claws into his back. He caught me by surprise when he went to lay down to roll over, but Gracie jumped off him before he could smush her. She was a tad bit larger than him, but it wouldn't make it feel any better.

He ran after her and she mirrored his actions until he jumped on the side of her and bit into her back leg. She yelped in pain, but I knew Gracie. This would only fire her up more. Gracie was sadistic. She didn't get hurt, she got even. I looked to my clock and seen 30 seconds left. Gracie turning around and bit down on his snout causing him to release her leg instantly. She bit down a little harder and started shaking . Thankfully my timer went off.

"SHIFT!" I yelled in my Alpha voice to them so they could hear me.

They both let go of one another and shifted back. Nova had a deep would on her leg and claw marks along her side. Thanks to her Alpha blood she was already healing standing a bit taller now. Tanner had marks along his back and sides along with a bite mark on his face. He was originally a Beta so he'll heal a little slower than her.

"Continue!" I announce.

Nova stayed in her spot again while Tanner made his way speed walking towards her. Her eyes flickers around his body searching for weak spots. She went back to his face and charged at him. He caught her then threw her into a nearby tree. I winced a little until she looked at the tree and smirk. I wonder what she was thinking right now.

She jumping up rolling her neck as he charged after her. She went in with a round house kick but he caught it, then reached up to squeeze the bite mark on her leg making her yell out in pain then picked her up by her throat slamming her to the ground. I looked down quickly seeing 4 minutes left. Shit. I looked up and in the corner of my eye I see Lucas shaking in anger. Looking back I see Tanner pinning Nova down by both arms.

He looks up and notices Lucas standing there and smirks at him then leans down and inhaled her scent. He's getting distracted. Nova instantly noticed and when he closes his eyes and went to lean back up she leaned forward and head butted him in his already bitten nose thanks to Gracie.

He let go giving her the opportunity to push him back onto the ground and jumps up pinning both his hands down with her feet. She delivered two blows to his face before the timer goes off. She goes away from him and he stands up stumbling. That's my girl!

"Shift!" I shouts.

I look up when I notice it started sprinkling then quickly turns into a downpour of rain. It's wasn't too hard to where I couldn't see but it was hard enough to soak my clothes in the matter of second. No one moved as they shifted. They all waited for my words ignoring the rain.

"Continue!" I announce.

Trek starts walking slow circles around Gracie who was patiently waiting for his attack. She knew he was going off anger instead of his whits. She's trained with him for months as he did her. They knew each other's moves. This was going to be a long night. Both were never going to submit.

Gracie takes off running towards Trek and they both start biting and scratching each other rabidly. Trek knocks Gracie to the ground and she rolls to a stop. She crouches to her belly watching him stalk towards her snarling. For a second I thought she was too hurt to get up until she stood and ran into the direction of the tree behind her. Trek took off after her and I knew this was the end.

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